Mount Sinai

846 20 18

He sat there with a doubled styrofoam cup in one of his tattooed hands, the other holding a few pills that he passed over to the slightly chubby, curly haired man on the couch beside him. His hair was short and bleached blonde, the sides shaved, a couple tattoos scattered around, bare compared to the rest of his body, and a short dark beard in contrast to his hair.

I watched as he lifted the cup to his lips, his eyes meeting mine as he sipped on the pink liquid, flashing me a cocky smile before I was able to pull my eyes away. I could feel the heavy arrogance that drifted off of him, even from across the room.

I tried to get my friend's attention over the loud music, but she remained oblivious, flirting with a tall, curvy red head. I pushed my way through the crowd of people in front of the door, careful not to spill my drink.

The hot and sticky night air rushed my face as soon as I stepped out onto the back porch, something I'd have to get used to. I pulled the pre rolled blunt from behind my ear, using my pink bic to spark it up, closing my eyes and leaning my head back. The smoke stung my throat and lungs, making me cough.

"You think you can handle that all by yourself, shawty?"

I opened my eyes to see the blond from before, wearing the same cocky smile, not waiting for me to answer before plucking the blunt from between my fingers and taking a hit. His bright blue eyes glinted in the moonlight, turning up at the edges as he laughed when I snatched the swisher back.

"How come I ain't ever seen you 'round before?"

"Cause I'm not from here." His eyes widened and his smirk grew as he heard that my voice lacked the accent so heavily in his.

"How'd a pretty lil thing like you end up all the way down in the dirty South?"

"Just needed a change of scenery."

"Ya got dumped, huh?" He chuckled as I choked on the mouthful of my mixed drink I'd just taken. "Ion get how anyone in their right mind could break up with this," he eyed me up and down, biting his lip.

I rolled my eyes and stood, hitting the blunt once more before knocking off the cherry and stomping it out.

"Oh come on baby girl, I'm jus playin'," he huffed as I continued to ignore him, slipping back into the crowded party.

I found my friend still in the kitchen, her arms now wrapped around the red heads neck, their lips locked together. My eyes moved from the pair of girls to the half drunken bottle of tequila beside them, discarding my mixed drink in favor of it.

With my hand gripping the glass neck, I took a swig, reveling in the smooth burn, before walking towards the couch where the blond man sat.

"You want to fuck or not?"

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