Chapter 37 - Puppy

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but even if i am weak i can still be kind for true power is in giving instead of taking


June 28, 2018: 3.15pm. 

"Perrie! Perrie! Can Hatchi have some of my chocolate?" Laila shrieked excitedly. Perrie's Pomeranian dog, Hatchi had come to join the girls for the last two weeks of their tour and while Perrie was happy to have her friend back nobody was as excited as Laila was! She had never really been around a dog for a long period of time before, and the playful pup was proving to be her new best friend! Laila loved all of Hatchi's tricks and treats and the girls found her chasing the dog around playing games, fetch and feeding him treats.

"No, Laila, dogs can't eat chocolate. Give him a treat instead," Perrie suggested. 

"Okay, Okay!" Laila said excitedly, having the dog sit before she fed him a chicken flavoured dog treat. The dog had also taken a liking to the child and tended to follow her around hoping for a dropped piece of food. 

"Laila, when we get home are you going to come and visit Harvey?" Leigh Anne asked, liking having something in common to talk to her about. 

"NO! I don't like boys!" Laila giggled. 

"Hatchi's a boy?!" Perrie pointed out. 

"Yes, but Hatchi's a boy dog!" Laila stated clearly confused. 

"Oh Laila," Leigh Anne laughed, "Harvey's not my boyfriend, he's my dog! He's a pug, do you want to see a picture of him?" she clarified. 

"You have a dog too!" Laila said excitedly, jumping on to the couch next to Leigh Anne and peering excitedly over her shoulder at her phone. 

"Yeah, I don't think you've met him before, so you'll have to come over when we're at home," she smiled. 

"We can have a playdate!" Laila shrieked. 

"Here he is!" Leigh Anne said having recovered from the shriek in her ear and showing her a photograph of the dog. 

"Wow! I love his little squashed face!" she said bouncing on her heels in excitement. 

Sensing her excitement Hatchi barked and jumped up at her legs trying to get her attention. "He's jealous, Laila," Perrie laughed as the small child turned back to the dog. 

"It's okay Hatchi, you can still be my favourite!" she said sweetly, stroking him around his ears. 

"Jesy!" Laila yelped as she came down the stairs. "Look what Hatchi can do!" She said as she told the dog to 'tuck and roll' just like Perrie had taught her earlier. 

"Oh Wow!" Jesy said smiling at how confident the girl had become, "You're like a dog whisperer, you'll have to come and teach Oscar and Reggie!" she told. 

"Who are they?" Laila asked curiously. 

"They are my puppies, they are just like Hatchi, the same breed but they're brown and black coloured," Jesy explained. 

"Oh! I didn't know you had a dog too!"

"Yeah, I'll show you a picture," Jesy said pulling her phone out. 

"Woah!" Laila cooed over the two puppies, before thinking for a moment. "If you have two doggies, and Perrie has Hatchi and Leigh Leigh has her dog..." she said thoughtfully. 

"Yeah, that's right," Perrie confirmed. 

"Then I'm the only one without a dog!" she said shocked. 

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