Princess McLean Chapter 1

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I feel like a total douchebag so I'm going to give you what I wrote of the first chapter so far.

Be grateful peasants.

"GET THEM!" One of the palace guards yelled.

I jumped from roof to roof with Frank following close behind. We crouched behind a tarp, hidden from view. Moldy bread in our hands, faces on wanted posters, a little behind the bills was a bit of an exaggeration.

"Okay." Frank said out of breath. "All we have to do is jump on the jewelry shop's roof, climb over the fence, into our hideout, and we'll be home free!"

Frank and I were part of a little gang that stole goods from the agora from time to time. Everybody in it all had something in common.

We were abandoned because either nobody wanted us, or we were too much trouble.

We all made our way to each other, and we became each other's little, deformed family.

"Where are they?" A bulky voice said.

"I don't know!" A slightly higher pitches voice said. "I was looking at your backside the whole time! Your so tall you could over look the Parthenon!"

"Not my fault you cant see over a sundial! Why were you even looking there anyway?!" The bulky voice argued. The sound of their bickering fading.

"I think they're gone." I said panting. Even though we probably ran about two football fields, we escaped the guards by the skin of our teeth, all for a couple loafs of moldy bread.

Life was harsh.

We jumped onto the roof of the jewelry shop, carefully climbed the fence and made way to our hideout. If you ever went to the palace at Knossos, Athens, went into the agora, climbed a wooden fence, and went north until you saw a little wooden house hidden in the trees, well, that's us.

We trekked to our little tree house where the rest of the gang was probably still sleeping. Frank and I always took night shifts because we were the fastest at running in the dark. A nice skill to have when your running for you life at twilight.

We climbed the ladder to our makeshift tree house. From a distance, it looked like a pretty decent place to call home.

"Wake up losers!" Frank yelled. "If you starve it's not our fault!"

Everybody slowly stumbled out of their room, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes and yawning. My guess was that it was probably around midnight.

My sister, Thalia, was the first to grab a loaf out of our hands. Most people expect a loving sister to greet her brother with a 'You're back!' or 'You're so brave!' or 'Thanks for providing food for me to digest!' or something like that. Instead, without meeting my eyes, she took the bread and went back to bed.

The next two people to get their share was Nico and Leo.Their mouths were pink and their hair was sticking up in odd places, and Leo was grinning like a madman. They didn't awknowledge it, but it was super obvious that they're secretly dating.

Since Thalia's room was right next to Leo's, I couldn't blame her for being so tired.

Last was Percy and Grover. They've been best friends since they were twelve, so naturally they'd share a room.

Everybody expect Thalia (who was probably taking advantage of Leo and Nico out of the room) sat down on at our little tree stump table.

"So," Leo said. "I heard that the princess is going to get married to the Prince of Macedonia."

Frank stopped chewing. "Isn't she only seventeen?"

"She doesn't know. The King and Queen are hosting a surprise ball to celebrate and the whole kingdom's invited."

The thought of having to go through a marriage that someone arranged for made me sick. Or it was the mold on the bread I was eating.

Everyone was talking about random things that eventually led to a debate on whether narwhals invented shish-ke-babs or not.

For twenty minutes did we have to hear Percy's rant in how narwhals were the unicorns of the sea, thus, were capable of inventing the shish-ke-bab.

Of course, Grover had to set him off all over again by saying, "Clearly, you have never heard of the Orphiotoruis, for it is ten times smarter than the narwhal."

Percy slowly turned around with the most pissed off face I have ever seen. "Bruh, have you been listening the past twenty minuets? Do I have to start again?"

"NOOOOOOO.." Nico yelled as he shoved Percy off his chair. "No more narwhal fin-facts!"


Percy and Grover started yelling and screaming at each other while everybody just looked bored.

It was when Grover jumped on top of Percy that Thalia ventured out from her habitat. She launched herself between Grover and Percy and flipped herself so that the two were pinned under her with their arms behind their back.

"You guys are being idiots! Why talk about who invented the shish-ke-bab when we're supposed to be talking about the surprise ball? Do you even know what great an opportunity this is!?" She yelled at us.

"Awww, you're just mad because Leico kept you all night." I smirked. Leo and Nico immediately let go of their intertwined hands.

"What I'm saying that you dumb-asses can't comprehend is that the ball would be the perfect time to sneak into the castle!"

"Oh sure, the perfect time to get caught and hanged." Percy muttered since his face was still mushed against the floor. Thalia pressed harder until he started gagging.

"Guys, think about it. The King and Queen's royal closet to raid! The entire kitchen to eat! The golden coins to steal! You can not just say that you don't want to go."

Everybody looked at each other warily. This was a little extreme even for Leo.

"You can't be serious." Grover said.

"Come on! How many times are we going to get this chance? Anybody and everybody will be able to enter the castle without a second glance!"

Nico shurgged his shoulders. Grover and Percy sighed in deafeat. Leo grinned. Everybody looked at me.

"Fine. Let's do it."

Princess McLean (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now