lonely day

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top marshall                                                   bottom gumball                                           small warning, its sad, if your not in the mood for something sad probobly sit this one out. im also going to change the title of this book to just fluff, i want to get used to writing these charachters and practice my smuts before i start publishing any of it, and i dont want to false advertise. the day i write a smut is the day ill specify it in the title again.                  ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                            It all started as a normal day, well as normal as a day is when me and marshall get to get away from our usual lives.  I woke at about noon to the smell of burnt toast coming from down stairs, I grinned to myself knowing marshall made me something for breakfast. I pondered the thought of waiting a little to see if he comes to get me up or if I should go downstairs myself to surprise him. I thought  on it for a few more moments, finally coming to a conclusion, I got out of bed and headed for the door. My hand hovered over the door knob, I heard him gently plucking the strings on his guitar, I almost felt like I recognise the tune.

    Deciding to listen, i put my back on the door and slid onto the floor. It sounded very melancholy, differing from what I normally hear him play. Soon he starts singing, I turn and lean my ear to the door to hear his soft voice. “Such a lonely day, and it's mine. The most loneliest day of my life. Such a lonely day should be banned, it's a day that i can't stand.” his voice trails off at the last word the soft music coming from the guitar stopped.

. I heard him sigh. I lean my back against the door like I had before when he was playing. Should i be worried for him? He sounded like a completely different person singing. I sighed as I stood and went down there, he was sitting at the coffee table drinking something from a mug, staring down at music sheets with notes scribbled on them and some sheets with writing, many words being scratched out.

   He looked up and saw me there, his facial expression flashed something unrecognizable before he smiled at me telling me goodmorning. He starts putting away his stuff, but I interrupt him asking what he's working on, He looked up at me and said “just something for a friend”. While he finished putting away his things i made my way to the kitchen to eat, i realised i forgot about the toast. I saw it sitting in the trash, he usually just scraps the burnt off and smears sweet jams on top.

   I hear him walk up behind me seeing that i was looking at the toast, I turned to him, he seemed to see the question on my face and said “yea i burnt the toast again, but this time I figured you might like to have something new” he walks over to the pantry and pulls out a bag of cinnamon toast crunch while saying “like an essentially toast breakfast” I let put a small laugh  and took my seat at the table while he pours me my cereal, I smiled and thanked him before I started eating

  . He sat next to me asking how I slept, “pretty good actually” i said. we kept making small talk, but my thoughts never left the melancholy song he was singing. I spaced out and stopped talking. He said he was writing for a friend, what if he's lying.. Who would he be writing such a sad song for? I got snapped out of my thoughts by him literally snapping in front of my face, it startled me abit and i jumped. I heard him giggle and i started blushing profusely. I gently pushed him and he hugged me in return, but our moment was interrupted by a loud rapping on the door. He went to answer it leaving me alone to drift into the bothersome thoughts of curiosity He came back with peppermint butler, “uh sire, there's been some issues with the banana guards, and we've collectively decided that you need to be there.” Reluctantly I walked up stairs for all my things, marshall was quick to follow me up. We get upstairs and he starts to make the bed while I change, I went for something casual. A baby pink button up, the cuffs had embroidered sedum flowers. I settled on some light wash jeans. The shirt, marshall had got me after the first time he fell off the face of the earth. He does that sometimes, and it's really hard when he does, I don't even know why. I just always trust that when he comes back he will be better than he was when he left.

gumlee Fluff /ddlb Oneshots/ (daddy dom little boy)Where stories live. Discover now