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"Jennie it's time you go and get out again."

"Jisoo-yah, I wish I could, but even with the slightest touch of someone's hair, I see their future, and sometimes it's not good."

"That shouldn't stop you from going out, so what, you see other's future—"

"I don't want to!" Jennie whined.

Jisoo couldn't do anything but sigh.

"Alright, how about we make a deal, you go out tonight with me, and if you don't have fun, I won't bother you for the rest of your life."

"A deal is supposed to benefit each other, that deal only benefits you because even if you say you won't bother me, I know you will still bother me."

"Come on Jendeuk, Rosie will be there too, it's girls night out, no boys."

"Alright, I'll go out tonight, just don't bother me for the rest of the week, please?"



16 years ago

"Mommy, that girl will die!"

"No, baby, she'll be okay, we have to get to the airport."

The Kims were vacationing in Thailand summer of 2004, a little girl, just a little bit younger than Jennie, brushed passed her and Jennie shot up her head in a hurry, she just saw a vision of the horrible future that girl holds.

"No, no, mommy, please listen to me, that girl will get into a car accident, I have to stop them, please!"

Jennie's mother sighed, her daughter has always had this "gift," she touches them slightly, and a vision comes to her, it could either show Jennie their future, or their past. Jennie's mother has tried taking her to the mountains for the monks to rid of her "special" ability, and it has worked, but recently came back.

"If I take you to them, they won't listen, baby, we have to get to the airport."

"She can't die mommy!" Jennie full on sobbed, breaking down in the middle of the street.

"Alright, I'll take you to them, just, where did you see?"

"I can really go mommy?"

"Yes, now tell me."

"I saw a big wheel where people ride in the back, their car was black mommy, it's like van, please mommy!"

"Okay, okay, tell me more," Jennie's mother tried to calm her daughter.

"It's 3:27 p.m. I can see on your watch," Jennie closes her eyes and tells her mother everything she saw. "I think it's a market, I see kids playing around, we are across the street, then a big truck suddenly hit the van."

"Alright, do you see a street name that's in English?"

"Yes, it's the 4th Street and," Jennie closes her eyes to concentrate, "Queens Ave."

"You sure you got the time correct?"

"Yes, I can see your watch from here mommy."

"Okay, okay, now that you're calm—"

"We have to go save them mommy!"

"I know, I know, but we don't know how to talk to them."

"I know where she lives mommy, let's go there." Jennie tired to drag her mother.

"You can not use your ability to find out someone's address baby." Jennie's mother scolded her.

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