Chapter 35

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On a hot evening in July 2008, in the WPI building lobby, all eyes were on a beautiful auburn-haired woman wearing a striking pastel blue sundress. A WPI security guard was walking in front of the middle-aged vixen, guiding her and her entourage to the elevators. After checking her ID and calling upstairs, at the end of a busy day, he was escorting her up to the publisher's suite. Strutting proudly in a pair of powder-blue two-thousand dollar Manolo Blahnik jeweled high-heel sandals, there was a warmth to the woman's coldness as she plowed ahead, carefully pushing a powder-blue face-to-face double baby carriage. The look on her face was satisfied determination and conviction, and any onlooker could see she wasn't someone to be ignored. Scattered groups of people, as they were leaving for the day, whispered to each other about the beauty in blue pushing a double stroller. It was a stunning sight that couldn't be overlooked or soon forgotten.

"I'm really shocked," Zarah said after helping Melissa get settled inside Harvey's office suite. "I'm actually ... very shocked you came all the way here just to let Harvey meet your twins. He'll be sorry he missed you, I'm sure, but,"

"Oh, I'm sure too," Melissa said.

When Harvey's ex-paramour cracked a sly smile that lit up her face, giving it a sinister-looking glow, Zarah thought it was left over from Melissa's old pageant days. It looked painted on, completely mechanical and without an ounce of sincerity. "He had to go to the Delta," she said. "Unexpectedly. We're expecting him back tomorrow morning, but then he's leaving again, on a trip to Europe." Truly bewildered, Zarah was hoping against hope Melissa wasn't there with newborns in tow trying to rekindle the burned-out flame she once had with a man who would never be interested in her or anyone like her ever again.

"Let me get this straight. You're here running the entire editorial offices in his absence?"

Zarah laughed. "Not really. I'm just wrapping up a few things he asked me work on today. In his absence."

"Doing the publisher's work? You must be a really bright little intern."

"Well. Harvey believes I'm bright, but I'm not a 'little intern.'" She knew Melissa knew better. "I'm WPI's consulting executive editor, and I'm in charge of the internship program. I'm in training to take over the role of executive editor."

"Wow. That's a big leap," Melissa said. "I've been in publishing ... forever, and I've never heard of anyone getting promoted that far that fast. I guess all the 'extra' work you do, working directly underneath him, has really paid off."

Zarah wasn't about to allow Melissa to dictate her mood with snide insults. After taking a deep breath, she said, calmly, "Not really. He just knows it's important to reward accomplishment. I created our newest publication, we recently launched it, and it was the most successful launch in Wilson Publishing's history. And, I have two bachelor's and two master's degrees, one in journalism, one an MBA, and I'm getting a doctorate in business at UCLA." She wondered why she was explaining anything to Melissa, but she was. "You might not know it," she said, "but I've worked here almost two years now."

"That long. Oh, then I guess you're eminently qualified to take the reins."

"Harvey thinks so."


The last remark reminded Zarah wasn't just defending herself against a random attack—she was staring into the jealous eyes of a wannabe-rival. Even though she knew the uninvited guest was enjoying tossing out spiteful retorts, she only told security to send her up to find out why she was there.

"Is there something I can do for you, Mrs. Smythe-Drucker, or would you like to come back tomorrow? There is a chance Mr. Wilson might come in tomorrow morning before he leaves for the airport. If you make an appointment, so that he's expecting you, I bet he'd make time for you."

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