Chapter Five: Please Stay

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Days turned into months and it was always pretty much the same; Tatara recording their daily life's, the boys picking on Yata causing him to storm out, Anna and Mikoto taking daily naps, and Izumo yelling at the boys if they got too rough in the bar. There were a few battles during this time, Sage would always go with but was instructed to stay behind. She would always protest, wanting to be apart of the fight to protect HOMRA but it always ended the same. Mikoto staring her down and say, "we can't have our healer hurt," before turning and leaving Sage there with Anna and Tatara.

Sage was enjoying her time; she became incredibly close to all the members of HOMRA she finally began to feel like she belonged somewhere. Even Yata had completely warmed up around her, they could hold conversations without him stuttering. Really, the only time he would stutter now was when the others would tease him about sharing a room with a girl.

Everything was perfect for Sage; she had friends, a real family. She couldn't be happier, everything seemed to be going perfectly. That was until the night of December 7th.

Sage was hit with horrid nightmares of Tatara and her king laying lifelessly in a pool of blood. It was pitch black and Anna's screams came from all directions. She desperately tried to heal them, but it was to late. She cried as she continued to helplessly try and heal her family.

Sage was woken by Yata shaking her, "Sage are you okay?" He asked concern filling his voice, snapping Sage out of the nightmare.

"Yata," is all she could muster out before hiding her face in his chest. They sat there for a minute, Yata letting her cry.

"Was it a bad dream?" He finally asked as he noticed Sage beginning to calm down.

"Something bad is gonna happen," she mumbled into his chest, her arms still wrapped around his waist.

They sat there for a few more minutes before Yata got up to grab Sage some water. He quickly returned and handed Sage the glass, her face scrunched up with worry.

"Thank you Yata," Sage said with a sad smile.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked climbing into the bed with Sage.

"I think something bad is gonna happen to Tatara and Mikoto," she whimpered as she rested her head on Yata's shoulder.

Yata didn't say anything, he didn't try to pry any more, whatever happened in her dream clearly upset her. So they sat there silentely for several moments before Yata decided to speak.

"It's still a little early, we can talk to Mikoto about it once he is awake," he said, "until then we should try to get more sleep." With that Yata began to get off the bed but was stopped by Sage grabbing his hand.

"Please stay," she whispered avoiding eye contact. She didn't want to be left alone after the dream she had. She couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was going to happen soon and she wasn't prepared for it.

Yata, face turning red, just nodded and he climbed back into the bed, giving Sage room to curl up next to him. Sage quickly fell asleep next to Yata, she felt safe with him there allowing her worries to disappear, for now.

"SAGE YATA WAKE UP!" Tatara yelled barging into the room.

Sage and Yata groaning before looking up at Tatara who wear a giant grin on his face.

"I didn't realize you guys slept in the same bed," he laughed.

"I-It's not like that!" Yata yelled throwing a pillow at Tatara who was still laughing.

"It's noon you guys must have had a long night," Tatara laughed harder, causing Sage to laugh with him which only made Yata more flustered.

"GET OUT!" Yata yelled as he stormed off to the bathroom.

Please StayWhere stories live. Discover now