Chapter Four: Be Careful

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Once the three arrived at the mall Anna grabbed Sage by the hand and dragged her to a cute little store, Tatara following behind holding his camera at the two sisters. The store was mainly for Anna's style but there were some cardigans in the back that caught Sage's eyes.

"Sage you have to try this on, it matches your aurora," Anna smiled, running up to her sister with a deep red Lolita dress.

"Absolutely not, I refuse to wear something like that," Sage shook her head crossing her arms. Sage's style was simple; shorts or jeans, tank top, and a cardigan - she was not a dress person.

"Sage please for me, I think you would look so cute," Anna begged, pushing her bottom lip out in a pout while looking up at Sage.

"Yes, Sage try it on, I want to get it on camera," Tatara laughed as they continued to pressure her.

"Ugh, fine," Sage sighed, giving up on the battle she took the dress from her younger sister's hand, "you better not show this to anyone." She continued to grumble as she made her way to the dressing room.

Once she was finished putting on the dress she made her way back into the waiting room where Anna and Tatara waited for her.

"You look stunning Sage!" Tatara exclaimed, "You have to get it."

"Absolutely not, I would never actually wear it," Sage said frowning her eyebrows.

"What if you get a date?" Anna smiled, holding that knowing twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh yes, a date with Yata," Tatara squealed, raising his eyebrows up and down.

"WHAT?" Sage yelled, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "Man, I don't even like him like that," she continued, waving her hand at them.

Anna smiled while walking towards her sister, "Please we could be like twins," she whispered while she grabbed Sage's hand.

"Fine, only one dress though," Sage sighed noticing a pile of dresses next to Tatara.

"YAY!" Anna and Tatara yelled as they hugged Sage.

"Okay so try all these on, make sure to show us, and we will decide which one!" Tatara laughed throwing the pile of dresses at Sage.

One by one she changed into each dress and walking out to show them, until she was on the last dress.

It was a semi short red dress, stopping just above her knees, it was form fitting around her chest and puffed out on her waist, the sleeves leaving her shoulders bare. Sage really liked this dress, it was simple nothing like the complex dresses Anna had picked out before, she stood in front of the mirror for a moment admiring how the dress looked on her. 

Taking a relieved breath that this was the last dress she made her way back to the waiting area.

"Yata?" Sage asked as she noticed the hothead sitting next to Tatara. He looked up from the ground blushing admittedly when he noticed Sage.

"Oh, um, s-sorry. I, huh, was just a-around when I s-saw Anna-," Yata was cut off by Tatara.

"Sage you look amazing!" Tatara exclaimed, "This is the dress you have to get!"

"I agree, Yata what do you think," Anna asked giving the red-faced boy a gentle smile.

"I-It looks, um, g-good, I g-guess," Yata stuttered out rubbing the back of his neck.

Sage just smiled and said, "I guess this is the one I'll get."

Once she paid, they made their way towards the food court. Once they were there they stood and looked around trying to decide what to eat.

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