(4) Deadheads

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(I reccomend listening to the song)
A foggy Saturday morning. Kiba Inuzuka lay in his slumber as the saliva slowly poured out of his mouth. Hinata, on the other hand, was already dragging herself from out of the bar. She pulled on her light purple puffy jacket. In an instant, the girl was quietly walking out of the door. The bell on the door made a loud 'bang' sound as the Inuzuka boy bolted up. His face hot and red, his eyes weary and crust filled. He rubbed his eyes while rapidly looking around for sight of the purple hair girl he admired so much already. No sign. His eyes adverted to the bright light that caught his eyes. Looking down at it, it appeared to be a cellphone. Sighing, he picked the phone up and answered the call.
"Hey did you-"

"Um...wrong number sorry..." Kiba murmured lowly. A loud sigh could be heard from the lady on the line. Her mouth blabbering a bunch of nonsense.
"Uhm.. by any chance are you at a bar?" She asked slowly. Astonished, the brunette nodded.
"Actually, I am.. h-how did you-"
"Hinata has a tendency of losing her items at bars. It's an everlasting manner she has. " The girl chuckled brightly.
'A clumsy girl...' Kiba smiled to himself. The blush crept onto his face as he thought of the brunette that stole his heart so abruptly.
"So ah, you mind..stopping over by my house?" The girl muttered quietly. The girl seemed to be shifted by the loud noises that were heard.
"Yea, text me the address," Kiba said. That was that the girl thanked him and hung up silently. At no time, the owner of the store came groaning at the Inuzuka boy to leave his bar immediately.
Complying, the brunette left with a bright smile on his face.

* Warning *

"Goodmorning sunshine!" Sai clapped his hands enthusiastically. The dead eyes pinkie looked up at him and found herself in what she deemed to be a bedroom. Her attention quickly focused on the ravened haired man. The one who happened to kidnap her. The girl looked at him with glistening eyes, the feary growing inside her body.
"What the hell do you want with me?" Sakura groaned. Her body felt completely numb. Trying to move, the girl realized the reason. Her eyes bulged with fear.
"Oh, you can't move I've paralyzed you for about 3 more hours." Sai grinned evilly. The girl looked at him, clearly exasperated. Tears slowly fell out of her eyes as she looked at her completely numb.
"S-sai...please, just let me go!" She pleaded to the insane man. Sai shook his head, his features darkening as he looked into those shaking emerald eyes.
"I don't think so, I need you for some...business..."

"What the hell does that mean...."
"Oh, you'll see..."

Days Later/ Sasuke is still at Naruto's house.

"Wake the hell up teme! Naruto growled in frustration. Groaning, Sasuke pulled the blonde's soft hand into his.

"Do not touch me bastard!" Naruto screeched in pain. His grip tightened as Naruto's anger-filled inside of him. Smirking, the Uchiha pulled the blonde down.
"Teme, you need to get up..." His voice murmured into Sasuke's chest.
"Like hell, I want to go back to that hell hole.." Sasuke rolled his eyes in annoyance. The memories he filled with Sakura, all of it. Only for it to slowly shatter apart. Almost reading his mind, Naruto pushed his head up to face Sasuke.
"Idiot, I never said you had to leave..just wake the hell up, k?" Naruto blushed. His tone softened as Sasuke tousled the blonde's already messy hair.
"fine, we're going out today okay?' Sasuke brightened up.

"Who said I didn-"

"You're not going," Sasuke replied calmly. He softly kissed the blonde's forehead. Pushing his body off, the raven climbed out of bed.

"Teme..." Naruto blushed even redder. A small scuff could be heard by the raven as he entered the bathroom. Holy hell, how could someone be so attractive by just a smirk? Naruto's heart felt like it was on cloud 8, except for the fact that he still thought about Sakura. What if those feelings for Sakura still remained to him? What if this truly was just a scheme of lust, and all the other things Naruto gave him. Sighing, he walked downstairs to make him some cereal.

Do you think Sasuke only wants Naruto for s*x? Let me know in the comments below! <3

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