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The girls pulled arrived back at the house to show Anthony everything turned out successfully. Kyra hopped out first since she still held the cash. She was ready to prove herself to Ant that she could do this without blowing it. "Remember, we stick to the plan. You were the driver Kyra, that's it." Sugar told Kyra hopping out the car behind her. Sugar was honestly just grateful that everything played out smoothly. Yeah Kyra held her phones hostage but this could have been far worse with Kyra involved.

Walking up the front steps Kyra used her new house key to unlock the door. Anthony was already posted in the living room playing his PlayStation 4 with a sleeping Mira stretched out on the couch beside him. Anthony was so focused on the Call of Duty game he played he didn't even look up to acknowledge the girls as he walked in. "Anthony!" Kyra called out to Ant who was still twiddling his fingers away on his black controller.

"Just give him a minute, once he in that game he in his zone girl." Sugar explained. She had noticed that's what where most of his free time was spent when he wasn't doing his business.

"Mmcht, I think I know my nigga thank you." Kyra told Sugar rolling her eyes as she pranced her way in front of the television. Pulling the stack of money out of our large purse she leaned over the glass table that sat in front of Ant waving the wad of money in his face. "Helloooo" she sang. Ant immediately smacked the money out of Kyra's hand onto the floor causing Kyra to jump back.

"What the hell Ant? You so focused on this weak ass game, look we fucking did it." Kyra fussed throwing her hands up in the air and she still didn't move from in front the large flat screen.

"You made me fucking die! And don't you ever swipe some muthafucking money in my face like I'm a bitch." Ant cursed getting up from the couch. "Now pick it the fuck up." Kyra did as told placing the money in his hand.

Ant slid the paper band off of the stack of cash as he began to thumb through each bill counting. The grimace on his face slowly began to fade and turn into a faint smile. "So he took all of it huh?" Anthony asked referring to the cocaine he had sold Amir.

"Yeah." The girls said in unison.

"My man." Ant smirked in approval. Pulling out a few hundreds from the stack he slid them across the table to Kyra. "Bruce already parked at the corner waiting on you since he already had to do some runs with his kids today. He taking you out to spend yo cut. Buy Mira something nice she need some new shit and Sugar ain't buying it."

"What the fuck ever Anthony, gimme my shit." She snatched it from the table. "Let's go Mira." She grabbed Mira from the couch awakening her not even grabbing her diaper bag before she left out the door slamming it behind her. She thought the least Ant would do would praise her for doing a job well done. Fuck him, Kyra thought to herself. Bruce and her had some things to discuss anyway especially being that Amir was now in the picture.

Now that Kyra was gone that left Sugar and Ant home by themselves. "Where's my cut?" Sugar questioned. Even though she didn't do the drop today Ant had did make her the person who delivered the weight while Kyra only had to drive. If they were to get caught then it was wrap. Not a wrap for Kyra but for Sugar. Sugar knew damn well if the police happened to stop Kyra she would've helped them cuff Sugar herself. Sugar was the one who faced the biggest risks. It was like in a way Anthony was protecting Kyra and it made her think of what Amir had mentioned about using her.

"You gone get yours, don't even trip. I'm taking you out myself tomorrow and giving you yours." Ant told her. He really had special plans to take her to her brothers house again and open herself a savings account but he was stern on keeping it a surprise until tomorrow. He wanted to keep proving to her that he wanted her out and she wasn't no hostage of his.

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