Chapter 4- New Friend

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"So, um, what exactly should I be doing right now?" I asked curiously. "Well," Michelle said. "I should probably show you to your dorm." "Oh o-ok, I'll go get my stuff," I said, stumbling over my words, after all, she was very pretty. I walked over to the table where I had been studying before. 'Well, that's strange.' I thought to myself. The table was clean, all the books and papers that had been scattered across it earlier were now neatly stacked along the side. 'I could have sworn that I left the book' laying out.' I thought to myself. "Is something wrong?" Michelle asked. "N-no!" I said quickly. She walked from her spot in the middle of the room towards the table. 

There was a phone laying screen down on the table, it had a light blue case, which considering how much blue I had on, I figured it was mine. On the seat in front of the table was a gray and orange book bag. 'Well, at least my bag is the same.' I reached for my bag and realized that the necklace was still in my hand, I looked around quickly, Michelle wasn't looking. I quickly slipped on the necklace and grabbed my new phone and put it in the button pocket on my uniform. I grabbed my book bag and slung it over my shoulder. After putting on my backpack, I realized that I had to pull all of my hair over my shoulder so it wouldn't be stuck under the bag anymore. 

"Are you ready to go?" Michelle asked. "Um yes," I said shyly. "Alrighty then, let's get going!" She said enthusiastically. Codex in hand, Michelle and I walked down the halls of the school together.  


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