↳ kara danvers - i'm supergirl [part 2]

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"Kara what are you-" Kara cut you off, "I'm Supergirl." she said with a shaky voice. You didn't know how to respond. You tried to speak but you couldn't. You were in complete shock. How could you have missed that? How could she lie to you like that? Lie to your face and go behind your back? But how could you stay mad at her? You didn't know what emotions to feel. She stared at you with tears in her eyes, taking in your facial features, trying to figure out what was going through your head at the moment. "(Y/n)..." she took a long pause after saying your name. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." she continued. You didn't let her finish, you shook your head and she gave you a questioning look. You still didn't say anything. You started pacing back and forth, slowly. "(Y/n), please talk to me. What are you thinking?" she asked, concerned. "I.. I don't.. know." you said, trying to make something of your emotions and put it into words. "What?" she said, giving a confused look. "I don't know what to think or feel right now, Kara." you said as you stopped pacing, looking into her eyes, which held tears in them and you continued, "How could I know what to feel?" you said with tears threatening to leave your eyes. "You need to leave, Kara... I'll contact you soon." you said, not looking at her. Kara walked out of your apartment and as soon as she did, the tears left her eyes and rolled down her cheek.

Kara walked back to the bar so she could get her car, but was first met with Lena and Nia, who were walking out of the bar. They were talking to her and asking her questions about what happened at your apartment, but she ignored them and continued walking towards her car.

For the next few days, Kara would continually check her phone. She was questioned by Alex several times about why she was checking her phone so frequently and Kara finally explained to her what had happened.

Finally, you decided to text Kara after what happened a number of nights before.

You: Hey, Kara. I apologize for not contacting you for a bit. I thought a lot about what you had told me and it's not fair to you if I continue to ignore you like this. Can we meet at the park around 12:30 today to talk?

Kara: Hello, (Y/n). I'm happy you decided to contact me. Yes, that works for me. See you then.

You got ready to meet Kara at the park and soon after, left your apartment. You came to the conclusion that you should finally tell Kara how you feel about her, being you couldn't hide your feelings for her forever. You were nervous and didn't want to lose her, but you knew you had to tell her sooner or later.

You sat on a bench, at the park, waiting for Kara to show up. After about seven minutes of sitting on the bench, Kara finally showed up. You spot her walking towards you. You stand up and start walking towards her. She gives you a small smile from a distance. When she's met with you, she gives you a big hug and starts apologizing again, "I am so sorry, (y/n)." she pulls out of the hug and continues. "I didn't mean to hurt you or make it seem like I was lying to you in any way." tears started to fall from her eyes. "I just.. I wanted you to like me for Kara, not Supergirl. I was going to tell you.. then, you got into arguments with supergirl-... with me. I was scared. I was so scared to tell you after that because i didn't want to lose you. I couldn't lose you... I just couldn't." Kara now had tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. She continued after taking a quick pause to wipe the tears from her eyes, "I.. I knew had to tell you after I heard what happened at the bar-" you cut her off, fully knowing what she was referring to, "What? What do you mean?" after you had said this, Kara looked worried, "Oh no. No I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. Don't be mad at them for telling me please. I'm-" you cut her off again, you could feel your cheeks heating up out of embarrassment, "You have got to be kidding me. I cannot believe that they told you. How could they-" you stopped talking when Kara grabbed your hand. You looked at both your hands and then looked up at Kara, who was already looking at you. "(Y/n).. I love you too." you smiled at this. You leaned into Kara and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. Kara kisses back and you both quickly pulled away when you heard, "Finally! I thought it would never happen." you turn around to see Alex walking towards you with Kelly. You smiled and just looked at the ground. Kara laughed, "What are you guys doing here. Don't you have to be at the D.E.O., Alex?" she questioned. "No, it's my break, so I'm allowed to leave. Aren't you supposed to be at CatCo.?" Alex raised an eyebrow. You shot a concerned look at Kara, "I thought this was your break?" you questioned her. "Uh.. no, not on Thursdays." she responded. "Kara! You could have told me you wanted to meet at a different time ya know?!" you said, bumping her arm. "Go back to work." you said, laughing. "Right." she said, quickly kissing you before quickly making her way back to her car. You rolled your eyes, jokingly, and looked at Alex. Alex was just smiling at you, "You better not hurt her, (y/l/n)." she said half jokingly, starting to walk away with Kelly, as you followed.

[a/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)]
— if you have any requests please refer to the page titled "author's note"

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