Chapter Four

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Hey, this is Pat. I am currently in a jail cell. I guess I should fill you in on what happened. After the random person started shooting at the wolves we hit a wall, mentally and physically. It turned out to be the the door of the local police station."Heck", James said "we are dead." I yelled at him to run and he obeyed, then the random person and I faced my worst enemy. A hand all of a sudden hit me, and I fainted. That's what happened, now I'm with a random person in a jail cell. The person just opened her eyes.

She sighed, and looked over at the bars. "Again?" She sounds like she's been here before.

She gets up and goes to a section of the wall, then punches the steel. A panel flips over, and a stash of food and weapons is there.

Suddenly I'm up against the wall, and the girl has a knife to my throat.

"This friendship started well," I say, filling the words with sarcasm. "I'm Pat. Who are you?"

I feel the blade lightly touch my neck. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in this place." She snaps, her bite and bark obviously up in the danger zone. I then flip her over and hold the knife to her throat. "Sweetheart," I say. "I am not the type of girl you try to kill." I smirk at her pained expression."Now we're going to be friends for now on okay," I say. "Really good friends," I repeat. She struggles against my grip, but can't break free. I have now waited an hour, and she still hasn't given up. "I can do this all night sweetheart, all night." I murmur angrily. She finally gives up, and is now on the ground catching her breath from my death squeeze.

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