Chapter Two

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After sitting on a plane for a really long time we got off the plane. That's when I realized how cold Alaska really is. After we got our luggage, James and I started off to find the middle of nowhere. All we had to guide us was a map, a compass, and James' bad sense of direction. We wandered about ten miles till James told me we should stop and set up camp. I was dying to ask him where we were going, but I kept my mouth shut.

After a while of writing Pat's fingers got numb, so I took over. I had no idea where we were, I don't know how to read maps. I used to have a GPS that would tell me where to go, so I never had to read a map. It broke on the plane, so I had to try reading a map. I never told Pat because getting Pat mad is a life or death situation.

Uh, anyways, back to the situation. The real one.

So we set down sleeping bags, and I started a fire. As soon as I lied down I heard growling. Wolves.

(A/N: Thank you for the support, @Nyancatcraze ! I will try to update as much as I can, although school may be in the way. So again, thanks!)

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