2. Roadrunner

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“Damn it! Every time. Ugh.” Every morning this happens. I crack an egg into a bowl and no matter how carefully and professionally I try to do it, bits of egg shell always manages to find its way into the bowl. And let me tell you, it is not a good way to start the day, digging around in gooey egg for ten minutes trying hard to get really tiny pieces of shell out. It drives me insane. More so than I already am.

I quickly scramble my egg and put my toast in the toaster. That’s one thing I’m good at doing. Making toast. I glance at the time and notice I have less than fifty minutes to get ready so I stuff my breakfast in my mouth and shoot up the stairs like a roadrunner on crack.

I hop in the shower, wash my hair, dry my hair and put my light make up on in record time. I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and shove my dark purple tank top over my head before brushing out the knots my hair dryer created, leaving my dark brown locks to fall just below my bottom rib. I grab my dark green coat with fur lining the hood off the back of my door and shrug it on before slinging my black leather shoulder bag over my shoulder and dashing back down the stairs.

I shout out a goodbye to Ellie who is sitting in the room next door. Ellie may just be the only person in the universe that I actually like and talk to. She is only six years old and just like me, her parents left her behind too. Ellie is a pretty little thing for her age. She has big bright green eyes and light brown hair that cascades all the way down her back in loose little ringlets. Ellie deserves so much better.

I arrive at school just on time but stop at the gates for a while. Something catches my eye. I know every person that goes to this school. Ok that may seem impossible, but this is a little village school and not that many people go here. So when I see an unfamiliar face laughing his arse off with the school whore, Katrina, I can’t help but stare and just be generally confused.

The bell rings and I make my way up to the entrance, all eyes on me, as per usual. I don’t mind it; in fact it satisfies me knowing that these people worry when being in my presence. It pleasures me to know that they fear me. They’ve all heard the rumours. Even the ones in first grade. They all know who I am and what I can do. Now I sound like and axe murderer, but all I’ve ever really done is just slag off a few people and bad mouthed a few teachers. Oh and I may or may not have started a few fights…..and ended them.

I stroll down the dim corridors as all the willing and nerdy students scramble about and dash in and out of various doors. When I see that everyone has disappeared and the second bell has gone, it’s then that I start to walk to my first class, maths. Ugh, what a bitch.

I trudge up the stairs and casually walk down the even dimmer corridors and can’t help but feel a pair of eyes burning holes the size of Jupiter into my back. I stop all too suddenly and abruptly turn on my heals, hoping to catch my predator off guard.

I should have known. It’s that new guy that I saw shamelessly flirting with the whore.

“Oi, what you doing out here?  Shouldn’t you be in class, new boy?”  He walks up to me, only stopping when he is half a meter away. Although the lighting is poor, I can still tell he is one fine looking guy. Not that it matters to me. He wears the same type of jeans as me and some sort of band top and big black leather boots. His dark golden hair is long but doesn’t flop over his face. It’s swept to the side and defies the law of gravity.

“Couldn’t I ask you the same thing?”

“Well if you weren’t so blind, maybe you would notice I’m at my class,” I nod my head in the direction of the classroom door behind me, “You’re what’s keeping me out side”

“Oh goody, we have the same class!” he replies, sarcastically, “Care to join me?” he rubs his hands together in mock excitement before holding his hand out to me.

I look at his outstretched hand in disgust. “Err, I’d rather not.” I turn round and head to my classroom.

“Whatever, sweet cheeks.” I hear him smirk and then follow me to our lesson.

I can’t believe I actually thought today was going to be good.

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