1. 'Humour'

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My name is Cassidy and I bully people.

I don’t do it because it’s fun, I do it because it’s the only way they will ever know or understand the pain I go through day in and day out.

They are scared of me, not because of my appearance, but because of my record and sharp tongue that could put even the best of the best of comebacks to shame.  Oh, and when I say ‘they’ I mean my entire school…..and maybe a couple of teachers.

My parents left me when I was young, too young to remember, but knowing that I was unwanted by my own parents is enough to make me make hate them and envy everyone with a ‘perfect’ family. To make matter worse for me, I have to go to hell every day of the week. Well, when I say ‘hell’ what I really mean is school. The word alone makes bile rise in dry throat. Thinking about it, school is just a fancy word for prison.

Saying this, I only have one more year left at school. About time too.

I spend most of my time alone, just how I like it, in my room at the care home. When you read books or watch movies, the care homes or orphanages, whatever you wanna call them, are either haunted, or the staff are abusive, or the care home it’s self is run down and described as hell. Well this is real life, and it’s not like that at all. The people here are lovely and understanding, well most of them, not naming any names, *cough* Mrs Potty *cough*. Well her real name is Mrs Potter. Her face looks like and bull dog in a blender with a gallon of sour milk thrown into the mixture. She hates my guts, but that’s ok, I hate hers too.

I don’t have any friends, but that’s fine with me, like I said, I prefer to keep to myself. I may seem like a bad influence and dangerous, but I can be nice when I want to, really I can. But with the path life has chosen to give me, I can’t seem to find the will to be good. And everybody here knows that too. All the kids here, from just three months to eighteen, stay clear of me. It’s good to know where we stand.

Tomorrow is my first Day back at school. I got suspended for a week for ‘accidently’ lighting someone’s jumper on fire with a Bunsen burner while singing ‘burn baby, burn’ on the first day of term. I thought it was hilarious, but I don’t think my teachers understand the word ‘humour’.

I sit upright in my bed, watching the spider waiting patiently for flies to get trapped into her web on the other side of the room. Hmm, reminds me of life.  I flick my bedside lamp off and then switch my phone on. The light illuminates my face as I set the dreaded alarm on my phone for half six. Bloody marvellous. I lock the screen and slide it under my pillow before letting my thick duvet swallow me.

I let my heavy eyelids close and drift off into a dreamless sleep. I wonder what tomorrow brings. I have a funny feeling tomorrow is going to be great.

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