Combine vs RWBY Finale

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When other kingdoms heard the news about new enemy called Combine they were terrified of how powerful they are. They bring back the military to defend themselves. But it's too late, the combine are ready for invasion.

At Vacuo, the people formed a militia to defend their homes. But the combine forces arrive here as they attacking them. They tried to hold them off, but they are so many of combine army and they force to retreat. The huntsmen went to attack them. Unfortunately, they got killed too. Attacking the kingdom of Vacuo cause the attracted the grimms as they going to attack them. The combine forces deals with them quickly and the grimms won't stand a chance. Few hours later, the counselors decided to surrender to the combine to let their people live under their rule. Soon afterwards, they completely took over the kingdom and claimed as their own. They also captured the SDC factory and use them to make more weapons, vehicles, and aircrafts. At the town, the people of Vacuo are treated badly by metro polices to make example of those who make idea of rebellion against Combine empire.

At Mistral, the people are panicking about the new enemy and the couselors don't have time to re-established the military. The combine forces arrives as they take down the mistral police forces from both air and ground. The huntsmen are too afraid to fight so many of them so they decided to flee into the forest. They completely take over the kingdom by force and the counselors were killed when they refuse to surrender. Then, they sent a battalion to hunt down the huntsmen and huntresses that are flee from the battle. Most of huntsmen were killed trying to escape while some decided to stay somewhere to hide themselves from the combine. Everyone in Mistral are kneeling down to the combine empire and they will always follow to their commands.

When Raven Brawen heard the news, she ordered her fellow bandits to pack up the things and went somewhere safe. Just before they started to pack their stuff, a huge dark portal appears at the sky. Raven and the bandits feeling it was combine forces are coming to invade them. But instead of combine forces, a huge blue light laser ray strikes down on Brawen tribe, destroying everything, especially to Raven and her bandits. Once it's done, there is nothing but ashes. There are no survivors.

At Menargerie, Sienna Khan and her remaining White Fang members came to aid Ghira and his guards to protect from combine. Unfortunately, the combine came to their homeland quickly as they attacking the local villages. They don't have a firepower to defeat them so the combine eliminate both Ghira's guards and WF members. When they captured Ghira, Kali, and Sierra Khan, a combine commander decided to execute the White fang leader and sent Blake parents to prison at Vale occupation. Three days later, Sierra Khan was executed by hanged and the White fang members are crying to see their leader is dead. So they made their choice by giving up the White fang and surrender to the combine.

At Grimm land, Salem is furious that she lost Cinder and her goons to proceed their plans to take down Vale, steal more maiden powers, and kill Ozpin by themselves. But since the combine empire took over, they ruined her plans. Hazel, Watts, and Tyrian are concerned about the combine as a major threat to entire world. But then, Salem have sense something caught attention to her subjects. Watts said to her.

Watts: Everything alright, mistress?

Salem: I sense something disturbing. But what is it?

Before she figure it out, a huge dark portal appears above her castle. A blue light laser ray strikes down to the castle, destroying the castle, including Salem and her subjects. Once it's done, the castle is no more. Salem and her subjects died without realization. And so, the combine empire ruled the remnant by fear. The people of remnant tried to rebel against them. But they failed and the combine remove the rebellion once and for all. The huntsmen are no chance against them as hope is fading away.


Things change since Combine took over remnant by iron fists. The kingdoms are not what it used to be. Both humans and faunus have to wear blue civilian clothes with numbers at the back and they will follow their rules so they won't be harmed very brutal. There are things what Ruby and the rest of the others did to their lives.

Ruby helped her father to do some chores and her father went to work to earn money and food. She feels sad because she can't become a huntress since Combine rules are forbidden in the city. She hopes that one day, things will return back to normal.

Yang went to the Junior's club often when she avoids city scaner scatter around the city for surveillance. Then she had to show an identification card to two metro polices that guarded at outside and she went in. She drinks a lot of alcohol to remove the depression after what happened to those days. She don't feel fighting the grimms since the combine wipe them out quickly, thanks to their superiority firepowers. After that, she went to visit Qrow at the prison to have a chat between them. It's luckly he didn't sent to the death penalty.

Weiss is staying at Ruby's house as she help her to do chores. However, she had a terrible nightmares about her sister being executed from five days ago. She never forget that moment her sister died on that day. Ruby always be there and comfort her when she cries about the death of her sister.

Blake went to help the faunus who are being brutality beaten up by metro polices. Then she decided to join the faunus resistance to take back their kingdom. Unfortunately, the combine always came to stop them. Blake is being captured and she was sentence to life in prison instead of transforming into a transhuman to becone a part of the Overwatch. Her friends came to see her for a visit a while.

Jaune feel depression after what happened to Pyrrha when the battle of Vale happens. He drank a lot of alcoholic drinks and he sometimes getting the food from the machine. His sisters feel worry about her brother and they came to support him whenever he needs.

Nora was at the apartment doing nothing but watching the commercials. She was with Ren who happens to be a job as an engineer to fix things that are broken, including the combine scanners which are malfunction sometimes.

Coco and Velvet having troubles with their lives. But they stay together to keep them survive from combine oppression. They hoping their friends are okay somewhere to be safe from the combine.

Ozpin and other teacher staff are still in prison. The prison guards treated them harshly and they giving them some foods.

Sun and Neptune went back to Vacuo though the town is different since the combine redesign the town. They tried their best to cool down to never getting trouble from metro polices and city scanners.

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