Chapter 6

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I woke up in the dark to the sound of the bedroom door clicking open,

"Marshall?" I instantly sat up as he hobbled in, I turned on the bedside lamp for him,

"Go back to bed" his voice sounded strained as he sat on the end of the bed,

"Let me help" I walked around as he had trouble taking off his trainer on the injured leg,

"I'm no cripple" he snapped,
"Yo baby I'm sorry, I'm just.."

"It's ok don't worry" I sat beside him and pulled him into a cuddle, he did a big heavy sigh as he hugged me back,

"I need to go do some work" he sat up,

"What? Marshall it's late, and you need to rest that" I looked at his bandaged up, swollen knee,

"I'm cool, just go to bed, I'll be up soon"

"I really think you should just come to bed?"

"I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet"

"Okay..." I got under the covers and got comfortable as he closed the door behind himself. Instantly my good mood had plummeted into an angry one. It was me being selfish because I just wanted him to give me a little bit of attention whilst he had me here, not just blow me off because he wasn't 'tired enough' to come to bed at like 4 AM in the morning. I wasn't having it, I went to go and find him...

I crept into the studio, he was sat with headphones on at the mixing board, sitting there bopping his head and sliding switches slowly up and down. Just on the off chance he looked around himself and caught me within his glance. He stared at me for a second or so and then slipped the headphones down to his neck,

"You okay?" He looked confused at my presence,

"I just know when someone needs to talk" I cleared my throat as I walked up to him, he too cleared his throat, sat up and removed his headphones and pressed another button,

"So what do you want to talk to me about?" His voice was calm as he watched me take a seat next to him,

"What's going on with you?"

"Nothing's goin' on with me" his brows furrowed,

"So then why aren't you coming to bed? It's past 4 and you've been going all day"

"I know what you're getting at Jodie, just give it a damn rest already"

"You don't have to hide anything from me"

"I ain't hiding shit from you!"

"Marshall you know I know about the pills, why are you trying to swerve this?"

"Oh here we fuckin' go" he sighed heavily and shook his head,

"I know you're worrying about something, if you want to confide in me I'm here, it's just me and you, nobody else is around, it's just us"

"Aight! Aight..." he exhaled,
"They've put me on a load of shit for my knee, and... Man I just don't think I can trust myself... Fuck no I don't think that but.." He tried to backtrack,

"You've nobody to impress here, you don't need to be scared of what you're telling me"

"I ain't scared of shit" he got his back up,
"I don't like people asking me damn questions, I don't have to explain myself or my decisions, I think for myself"

"And I get that, but you're going to walk around with this huge chip on your shoulder if you don't stop bottling everything up, you have to realise that"

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Relapse EraWhere stories live. Discover now