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Jimin's POV
Some people say that if you really love someone, fight for them, but what if the 2 people I love most in this world, love each other? Do I even bother?

I am currently sitting on this plane, looking out my little window, looking at all the clouds

So beautiful, this is my favorite part about flying, getting to see everything that is beyond my sight from the ground

I've always found such peace in the clouds and stars and everything that is above

I find my head full of images of Jungkook, why did I have to fall for the one person I can't  have?

Why do I have such bad luck with love?

A few years ago, I was in a relationship with what seemed like the perfect guy for me

He ended up traveling a lot, which led him to lose feeling, and causing him to cheat with someone he had previously told me not to worry about

I later got a message sent to me by an unknown number, telling me how happy she makes him

And that's where that ended

I snap out of my thoughts when the pilot announces that we will soon be landing

When the plane finally lands I get up from my seat and head out to the parking lot, looking for my car that was left here when we left

As I spot my car I get in and decide to drive to our house so I can drop off what I won't be needing before heading to my hyung's house

I knock on my hyung's door waiting for him to open the door

"Mochi!" He says bring me into a much needed and wanted hug

Author's POV
"Taemin hyung!" Jimin yells, hugging the older back, tears start forming in his eyes once more

"What's wrong baby?" Taemin asks with concern in his tone

"I missed you so much hyung" jimin says "you don't know how much I've needed you" he says, face now covered with tears

Taemin just hugs him, bringing him inside his house and shutting the door behind them "I missed you too baby, I'm so sorry for leaving you"

Jimin just stays quiet

"Jimin, I'm here now ok?" Taemin says, drying jimin's cheeks "I'll always be here for you no matter how far away we are from each other, you know that you are the person I care about most in this world right?"

"Yes hyung, i don't know what I would do without you" jimin says, taking a deep breath, and smiling at him

Jimin's phone starts ringing

Jimin: Hello

Taehyung: Pabo!

Jimin: Tae, what's wrong?

Taehyung: You left me!

Jimin: Tae, i had already told—

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