Chapter 1: Dodgy Motels

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The sun peaks over the horizon, glistening through the snow. Unfortunately, it's right at the angle where it blinds me as I drive. Grunting, I pull the visor down, trying to block the sun. I sit up straighter in the seat, finding just the right spot to keep the sun out of my eyes. 

I breathe out slowly, gripping the wheel. I've been travelling all day. Haven't stopped once. And... and I don't have much of a plan. Which is great, because I'm on the run with an unconscious super-villain in the back seat? 

What would Tyler think? Would he be proud of me? Or would he call me a psycho for my impulse decision with no plan... he'd probably yell at me. I wouldn't blame him either. I have no powers, and I'm probably much weaker than Esoteric. But oh well. Too late now.

Though I have a plan forming in my head. I'm not continuing down this highway with absolutely no idea.

When I left, my original idea was to make it to Canada before all of America was shut down and helping would become impossible. But Esoteric has changed my plans, and I'm not too sure what is the best plan of attack. 

I really need to screw my head on straight, otherwise I'm going to be causing more problems than solving them. And I've already done enough damage.

I glance over my shoulder to check on Esoteric, who is still unconscious in the backseat.

I won't lie. I didn't really think it through. I will admit to that. There's an unconscious super villain slumped in the backseat. I have no powers of my own, but I am very well aware that he does. I'm not even good at tying knots, so he'll probably be able to release himself in the end.

Some hero I am.

Let's look back at what I've done now, shall we? I've abandoned my family to the ruthless hands of the Red Angels in New York. I've also abandoned Tyler to the cruelty of his mother — stepmother. I let my mother and Topaz get the worst of it all. I left all of New York to go to ruins as Lucid destroys the city.

Lucid will go after everyone. She won't stop. And with Tormenta at her side, with the ability to create puppets out of people's bodies... she'll be unstoppable. The elderly, the children, those who spend a lifetime working, the hospitals... the reality hit me like a brick to the skull.

I'm responsible for all that. All of those vulnerable people terrified for their lives. And here I am, running away. For a moment, Ryan and his sister become present in my mind. I had forgotten about Thea, who was awaiting surgery last time I bothered to even check. Or maybe I had asked Ryan a second time, but I just can't remember. The past three months have blurred together.

I rub my eyes, a breath slipping out very slowly. I need to focus and think clearly.

My shoulder aches, along with the dull throb of all my other injuries. I wish I could rest. But resting isn't an option right now. I need to figure out how to save America first. Then I can rest. 

Esoteric groans behind me, sending the hair on the back of my neck upwards. I won't be able to take him by surprise again. Not in this car. He'll be able to take advantage of me and I will lose any chance of defeating the Red Angels. 

Signs for Ohio appear on the sides of the road. At least I'm travelling somewhere. I should find a hotel of some sort to stay at. Now the sun is almost gone. I don't think I can spend another night in this car, especially not with Esoteric here, too. If anything, I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I miss Tyler. The smell from his car makes me want him more. I wish I could message him and apologise for getting upset with him. I could use his warmth beside me. He would probably be more level head than I am right now. I groan and roll my head on my shoulders.

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