Chapter 28: Born For This

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I feel like I'm marching into battle as I walk toward the meeting room. Everyone behind me is making so much noise, I'm starting to think I'm going to throw up. But Ryan reaches to me, squeezing my hand. Even if it ends badly, I've got to do this. 

Anxiety spreads in my stomach. What if Grayson turns around and wants me there, anyway? I've just riled up all these people for no reason. Or maybe he'll have a really valid point where I can't counteract and go. My heart clenches. I'm not ready to do this. Not at all. But I can't stop. Everyone's pushing me forward. Am I even breathing properly? How do you breathe?

"Charity." Ryan squeezes my hand again. "It's going to be okay."

I don't have the energy to nod and agree when I can't even figure out if I'm breathing. Next thing I know, the door is in front of me and everyone expects me to knock and go inside. Oh God. 

"Hey," Ryan whispers, "you're a warrior, and you were born for this."

His eyes search mine, but his words stick. I knock on the door and don't wait to be told to come in. Not everyone follows me in; just Tori, Ryan, Percy and Layne. They were the only ones on the leadership team who wanted me to go to New York. 

Grayson frowns, looking behind us as Percy shuts the door. "What's going on?"

"We have come to tell you that your decision to keep Charity away from New York is idiotic," Layne says, their voice loud and strong.

"Layne, Percy, what is the matter of this?" Carter steps forward, glaring at us all. "That was confidential information you were told, not to be discussed until now."

"Yes, well, we discussed it in our own time," Percy says, standing beside Ryan with his arms crossed. 

I watch as Grayson and Tori share a look of distrust. So I clear my throat, drawing everyone's attention to myself. Slipping my hand out of Ryan's, I take a breath. I can breathe. I can do this.

"I've been told you don't want me going to New York, that I'm a liability because my powers are too unpredictable and you're scared I'm going to try to overthrow you. Is that correct?" I ask, forcing myself to sound more confident than I am. My knees feel like they're about to shatter into a million pieces.

Grayson breathes out slowly, looking at Carter before looking back at me. "Look. We've dealt with many supers, ones that have both powerful and rare powers. They always create more problems than fix them. This is something serious here, Charity. We can't just let everyone do whatever the hell they want because they believe they have the right to fight."

Anger stirs in my chest. I do have a right.

"Grayson is right. The Holy Doves aren't a bunch of superheroes who play by strict rules, but we play by some. As you know, with great power comes great responsibility. And your responsibility is to stand down and let us defeat the Red Angels. You have already helped us immensely. All of your information has pushed us toward success. All we have to do now is defeat them," Carter finishes, crossing his arms over his chest. "You cannot convince us otherwise."

Ryan steps forward, ready to say something. But my hand on his chest stops him.

A laugh slips through my lips. "I have no right? I'm sorry, but whose family is wrapped up in this? You guys are right, you don't play by the strict rules of SWW because you don't understand them. You treat me like I don't understand your world, but I've been a part of it from the moment I could see light in my mother's womb. This is my life. This is who I am. And I am what you need to defeat the Red Angels. Everyone here agrees."

"You don't understand," Grayson sighs.

"I think I understand clearly. You want to keep the power, and you don't want me threatening it. The thing is, I already am," I say with another laugh. "But I don't want your power. I want to save everyone."

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