Authors Note

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Let me first say that I didn't think I'd be writing a second book when I first came up with the idea... but I do like cliffhangers, so I guess the long pause from book one was needed, hey?

I mean, if you're here, that obviously means you enjoyed reading book one...

Okay, well look, thank you so much for sticking around. It means the world to me to see you not only supporting Super (Not) but now Super (Ish). I'd give you like hugs and chocolates if I could, but alas, I am a mere mundane and do not possess any powers or gifts *sniffle*.

ANYWAYS! Here is book two *gestures wildly*. I've actually been working on it secretly whilst writing my other novel (The Falling) but oh well. I hope you can tell from the blurb that this one won't be as... nice as the first one. I'm not going to say anything more, but please do try and prepare yourself, this is going to be a wild ride.

Also, depending on...factors, there may even be a book three. So I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me come up with some sort of name for this mini-series thats making its way into the world, that would be greatly appreciated. 

Also, I'd like to dedicate this book to one of the closest people in my life right now. I won't say her name, but her nickname is Milleficent. Thank you for being in my life and showing me that even though we can be distracted, God still waits for you.

(also, ps. the final book will come out in 2022)

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