Chapter 12

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Happy Thanksgiving finished writing and editing soo here you go...... see you all Sunday

as the weeks went by harry was busier getting the charity concert ready the concert was sold out in minutes and has been busy promoting the concert

"well good morning everyone out in radio land, I am Nicolas Grimshaw and today my sidekick for the whole morning is none other that the handsome Harry Styles" nick says as cheers and claps are heard in the studio and harry starts laughing

"i swear i need that button for when I  go on tour" harry says still laughing" but good morning everyone"

"well harry how are you doing this morning"

"really good, really excited for the Lets Stop Bullying concert" harry says

"can you just like give us one name of an artist" nick says

"NOPE" harry yells out making sure to pop the P

"why do you love teasing us the fans" nick says

"its fun keeps all of us on our toes" harry says

"so i saw that a few more fans have beat you in the hide and seek game" nick teases

"yes, after the first time i was called out i think more fans are more comfortable in teasing me and its ok, when they find me we sit down for an hour and talk its so much fun i get to know alot more about my fans and hear their stories" harry says

"i know i lived that one day when we went to lunch, i got scared didnt know what was going to happen i was ready to call security and you stopped me, all your fans when they find you never make a big deal about it we spent and hour with them and we all left and no one knew and then all hell broke loose when you and the people tweeted it out" nick says laughing

"yeah that was funny i swear i thought you were about to cry" harry teases

"i was i mean we are out there as nick and harry styles and i know your fans and i mean it can get crazy" nick says

"but they also know that i like normalcy and if they scream it out they wont get that hour with me i would have to leave and i guess its a way for my fans to interact with me i mean other than social media but i love it and yes we are still going to continue this fun game of hide and seek" harry says

"good and i am sure your fans love you for it" nick says

"i am sure"

"well lets get business out of the way" nick says

"boo your no fun lets keep talking about my fans" harry says

"No business first you have another 3 hours with me" nick says

"fine" harry says

"well the annual Lets Stop Bullying concert is a week away and this year i hear its bigger and better" nick says

"umm yeah, last year i reached out to friends and let me tell you i didnt even have to ask they all just said yes when i called but this year artist were calling me and my manager so contracts are signed and artist are ready but we want to keep everyone a secret its funner this way and everyone get there early everyone that got their tickets check your emails for details" harry says

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