Chapter 2

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the last months of the year harry enjoyed being on tour was everything harry had hoped it was, he and niall would explore the different city dressed as marcel and niall and it was easier that way and when harry went back to school simon would book him to perform in local areas and that would be friday and saturdays only and that alone kept harry busy, harry and sam recorded their single and release it in mid december and it went straight to number one, harrys popularity skyrocketed even more and yes louis and zayn still bully harry but not as much as they used to

"marcel, hurry we need to leave, we are going to be late for school" niall says

"i know i over slept those late night studio session are killing me" harry says

"well at least it friday and we leave to the grammys after school" niall says

"i know, its been so much fun" harry says

"well have you heard anything from louis" niall says

"no he stopped saying anything like 3 months ago, he has been DM'ing me but i dont respond, but damn niall he looks so good" harry says

"well stop he is your bully what are you trying to accomplish" niall says

"well at least a booty call" harry says as they start to laugh

"stop it, i would be scared he would be using you for the fame and your money" niall says

"uugghh i wish he would like me for me not for what i have' harry says

"well we will never know" niall says

"i do, he didn't like me as marcel how do i know he will actually like me for me and not the popstar" harry says

"so your still in love with him" niall says

"yes, tried to get rid of these feelings but i can't" harry says

"well hopefully it will get easier when we graduate" niall says

"i hope so, or i can reach out and ask him to be a booty call" harry says with a devilish smile

"no, you are not like that" niall says

"yeah, yeah, yeah what ever my mom raised me with morals and shit" harry says laughing

"seriously marcel, the shit that comes out of your mouth sometimes surprise me, wish you were more like this in school and people got to see the real you" niall says

"don't matter in a few months we graduate" harry says " but seriously i need to get laid"

"shut up, your so stupid" niall says

"what" harry says with an innocent smile

"well if it isnt the nerd and his friend" louis says walking close to harry

"yeah yeah yeah louis go ahead and trip me and what ever you want to do just to make yourself feel good, you know what louis i am tired of your shit, so go ahead trip me laugh and walk away like you always do" harry says as louis eyes get wide and zayn has the same expression as niall and harry walk away

"what the fuck was that" niall says

"i dont know just talking and i am in a good mood, so why not" harry says "shut them the fuck up"

"yeah you did, so proud of you" niall says " i like sassy marcel he should come and visit more often"

"we will see what we can do, just 3 more months of school and we are done" harry says

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