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Hyuck thought for a second before finally mustering up enough courage to speak. He explained to Mark about everything that happened in the lead up to him developing his stutter.

He explained how he had an older brother. His name was Daewon. He talked about how the two of them were always so close. They would play together every day. Daewon would read to him every night. He would always be the rock for Hyuck, if things went wrong he would be there to help the younger through them, even though he was only seven at the time. He was his best friend.

*ten years ago*

Hyuck was seven at the time. He sat at the kitchen table doing his homework while waiting for his brother to get home so they could play together.

Daewon was in high school already so he was normally home late. But today he was later than normal. It wasn't until Hyuck noticed his parents walking around stressfully that he began to worry.

"he hasn't contacted us or anything. What if something happened?!" His mum exclaimed to his father who was trying to calm the woman down.

"I'm sure he's just stuck in traffic. He'll be home anytime now, I promise" he smiled, rubbing her back lightly and pulling her into a hug.

Hyuck just sat and watched the two. He wasn't sure what was going on, but when he checked the time he noticed that his brother was over an hour later than normal.

Time passed and Daewon still didn't arrive home. Hyuck, who was now sat in the lounge watching TV, watched and listened as his parents called Daewons friends and others close to their son. They also called the police to see if they knew anything.

Almost three hours after the boy would usually arrive home, there was a loud knock at the door. Hyuck's mum quickly ran to answer it, loosely followed by his father.

Hyuck couldn't hear what the police officer said but he quickly guessed after his mum broke down into his father's arm, running up the stairs to lock him in his room.

He hid there for the rest of the evening, crying himself to sleep that night, and for several after.

Since then Hyucks confidence dropped and his anxiety increased, causing him to develop a stutter.

*end of flashback*

Hyuck explained everything to Mark, not holding back a detail. There was no point in hiding anything. He had lied about it in the past and it never ended well.

He stared out at the dark calm waves as he explained his weakness to the only other person here right now.

Mark stared at Hyuck in bewilderment as the boy remained calm while telling his story. It wasn't till a single tear tumbled down the boy's cheek that he realized the truth and pain behind the story.

He slowly placed his hand over Hyucks. The boy's skin was cold to the touch, it felt frozen. Hyuck flinched at the first contact but allowed Mark to attempt to comfort him. Honestly, just the simple touch of the olders hand soothed the emotional pain that came with telling his story.

The two sat for a bit longer, watching as the waves crashed against the rocks and the sand. As they sat, the boys' hands never lost contact. In fact, the longer they sat, the more comfortable it became.

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