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For the next day, Hyuck stayed in his room. Only having left in the early morning before Mark woke up to grab some food and the things they had collected from the library. Mark ended up spending the whole morning waiting for the boy to finally leave his room. But he never did.

Mark sat in the lounge until noon. He honestly missed the youngers presence, not that he would accept that, not that he knew that. Mark could tell something was missing, the air felt cool and the space empty, but he just couldn't place what it was.

The whole morning that Hyuck was in is room, he was reading through all of the sources they had found. None of which helped. Every one of them led to a dead end. When he had finally finished, he walked out of his room absent mindedly until he heard a loud voice that snapped him out of his thoughts,

"Hyuck, Where the fuck have you been?!" Mark shouted as he stood up and walked in front of the younger boy. Hyuck jumped at the sound of his voice and was now a shaking mess with a few tears in his eyes. "well?"

"I've b-been in m-m-my room, s-staying out of y-y-your way. I've a-also l-looked through a-a-all of our r-r-research and j-just in case y-you were w-w-wondering, I f-found n-nothing" Hyuck cried out before barging past mark and into the kitchen to make some lunch for himself.

Mark stood in his place, frozen like a statue, dumbfounded by the way the younger spoke and the words of which he said. He was so confused and stuck in thought to notice the younger walk back into his room until he heard a loud slam from a door upstairs.

Mark sighed and sat back on the sofa, thinking about what just happened. Was he maybe too harsh on the boy? Did he even need to ask? What does he do now? Why does he feel guilty? and so on. He knew he was in the wrong, but knowing how to fix it is a whole new story.

He thought for a while of a way to make it up to the younger. In the end he came up with a small plan, it was probably a bit much considering how small the problem is but i mean, come on, this is Mark Lee we are talking about, nothing is ever easy with the boy.

A few hours later, Hyuck was reading a book in his room when he heard a loud crash and them some shouting from downstairs. At first he covered his ears and hid under his blanket. Once he had managed to cool down, he slowly creeped out of his room and made his way down the stairs.

When he reached the bottom he made his way to the lounge, When he got there he saw the most bizarre thing.

He noticed a body that was swarmed by a mass of banner paper. Mark groaned as he uncovered himself from the paper and looked up at Hyuck with a sheepish smile and blush rising to his cheeks. Hyuck walked over and helped the boy out of his mess, too focused on helping him out to notice the lettering on the banner.

"A-are you insane?! W-w-what were y-you thinking?!" Hyuck stated with a serious tone. Mark just shrugged and smiled as he held up the banner he was trying to put up,

I'm sorry
Please forgive me for being and idiot
I can't help it sometimes

Hyuck let out a small giggle and smiled at Mark before nodding slightly. Mark now had the biggest smile plastered across his face. He threw the banner on the floor and walked up to the younger, standing just in front of him,

" I'm sorry for being an absolute douchebag. I shouldn't have said any of the things I did and I'm sorry" He said as he looked down at the floor in front of him instead of at Hyuck who was still smiling a little.

"I-I-its okay, I f-forgive y-you, b-b-but only if y-y-you make r-ready made p-p-pizza without b-burning the house d-down" He smiled. Mark looked up at him and smiled in return.

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