Chapter 3: Austin,Texas

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Accidental Love

Chapter 3: Austin, Texas

Nadia POV

 I have been done getting ready for 20 minutes and Anna was still in the bathroom straightening her hair.

"Hurry up I want to go!" I yelled fluffing my hair in the mirror above the television. 

"Do you not understand how long it takes to straighten my damn hair?!"

"I do and it's too long."

Anna made a face at me. I just rolled my eyes. I had been ready for so long and I wanted to go. 

"Did you pick where we're going?"

She nodded accidentally burning herself on the iron. "Fuck!"

"Anna, watch your mouth." I retorted.

"I burnt myself, shut up!" She spat tossing the straightening iron on the counter.

"You finally ready to go?" I smoothed my dress.

She peered out. "Yes."

"Yaayyy." I rolled my eyes, my voice heavy with sarcasm.

"Don't give me sass." She laughed, sitting to put on her heels.

20 minutes later we were sat in a bar in the middle of town.

The bar was full of miscellaneous Texans who were mulling around with the various alcoholic drinks. Anna and I sat at the end of the long bar chatting absentmindedly. Unlike what we wanted, we hadn't met anyone famous or even anyone cute. It was kind of a disappointing night.  

"This is not as much fun as I would have liked." I mumbled drinking my Bloody Mary.

Anna nodded setting down the beer she had in front of her. "Wanna go back to the hotel?"

I sighed looking back to the drink in my hand. "Yeah let's go."

I set down the cash needed to pay for our drinks and we started out the door. We started down the street arm in arm, mostly sober. It was nearing 11 and we weren't in the mood anymore. I was staring down at my phone when my shoulder slammed into someone. I looked up to apologize. "Sorry I didn't see y-...." It was two guys. The one I bumped into smiled. He looked like a kind Puerto Rican man. He seemed familiar and I didn't know why. I thought for a moment scanning his features, then it hit me. It was Ray. Ray Narvaez! From Achievement Hunter. 

"I didn't see you either so... sorry. I'm trying to get Rye home." He nodded to the man beside him. Ryan. Ryan Haywood. It was the Ray and Ryan from Achievement Hunter. Oh my god Oh my god. No wait, Be cool. 

"Yeah..I mean it's cool, me and Anna are just headed back to the hotel. Kind of a boring night." I smiled trying to keep my head from swirling. Anna just stood there staring at the two with a dumbstruck look. 

He laughed, "Hotel? You guys visiting?" 

I nodded, "Yeah we're from Boston, Mass."

"Wow, talk about not being in Kansas anymore." His joke played across his lips with a teasing gentleness.

I giggled. "Well it was nice to meet you. We'll probably see you tomorrow." 

He looked at me with a puzzled look but nodded the same. "Okay, well bye."

I began to hurry off, dragging a non functional Anna with me. Once we were back at the hotel I flopped down. "Holy cows Anna we just met Ray and Ryan." 

She went to her bed and laid down. Pulling the pillow she put it over her face and screamed. Even with it muffled it was still a little loud. 

Maybe it wasn't such a boring night after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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