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Courtney's POV

"We should just drive to St. Paul." Barret noted. We were sitting on the floor in my room.

"Let's do it." Liam agreed. Seth and I gave him a look. I don't know who's more obsessed with Katie, Barret or Liam..

"Should we?" I asked. "Mom needs us here."

"I don't see mom doing anything." Liam got up and walked out of the room.

It's been two weeks now. And nothing. Katie is out there somewhere.

"I think we should." Seth added. The vote was 3-1 and I'm not letting them go without me.

"Come on Court." Liam said quietly from the door. He had a duffle bag over his shoulder. Well, it is a Friday afternoon...

"Fine." Katie we are coming.

Seth's POV

I was only nine when Katie dissapeared. I knew she was Liam's sister, he always talked about her. Liam was broken up. He quit the soccer team. He quit caring about school.

I remember him telling Tara that he didn't want to go to junior high.

Five days after Katie's 5 year missing date, my mom died of breast cancer. And it's like the roles changed. Barret, my dad, and I were the ones who got to cry. After mom died, dad became unstable. He works all the time, so Barret and I usually eat at their house during the week.

Liam has been my best friend since birth. I know his house probably better than he does. When he called me that they possibly found Katie, i've never heard him so happy. Little sisters are everything. I hate Barret most of the time, but I love him, he's my little brother.

I can't thank Tara and Christopher enough for treating my brother and I like family. Barret and Zac used to play together and then it was Liam and I. And then there was Courtney.


When Liam and I started the seventh grade, I remeber going to their house in the morning like I always do to ride with him to school. Liam grabbed his bag and headed toward the door and I was half way through the door when he told me to stop.

"Seth. Wait up."

"Why? We'll be late." I walked back into their house and closed the door.

"We gotta wait for my sister."

"Sister?" I asked.

"Come on Courtney!" Liam yelled up the stairs.

"Coming Liam!" I heard a perky little voice say. I pulled out my cellphone to check the time. 7:49. Yep. We'll be late.

I heard footsteps and I saw a short blonde girl hopping down the stairs. I couldn't even say hi. "You kids ready?" Chris asked.


I was so mad when Liam and I became freshman in high school. I wouldn't be able to ride to school with her anymore. She was an eighth grader at a different school. And that's when I made it my goal to make her mine once she got to high school.

"Hey, Seth hand Barret the doritos so I can eat them." Liam said, bringing me out of flashback mode. I threw the unopened bag at my brother who was riding shotgun.

We were taking Courtney's blue Honda up to Minnesota. We were mostly through Iowa, I think. We left around six last night.

It's seven in the morning now and Tara or Chris haven't called yet. Courtney drove the first four hours, I drove five, and Liam just started his fourth hour.

I was in the back seat with Courtney.
She had her little blonde head laying in my lap. She was sound asleep. Her blonde hair was in a loose bun. She had her pink jacket, yoga pants, and ugg boots on. She origionally fell asleep against the window, but I just wanted a reason to hold her again.

Katie's POV

I woke up in my bedroom. I noticed I laying on a towel. I sat up and that's when it hit me. I stood up immediatly but regreted it. "Oh God." I moaned and fell to the floor. I crawled toward my ensuite bathroom. I hate this life.

I peeled off what was left of my dirty clothes and climbed into the bath tub. I turned on the hot water. I don't even remember what happened after I saw Jim walk down the stairs.

I laid in the warm water for a while. It was so soothing to my cuts and bruses. I leaned my head against the wall. I started to fall asleep so I continued to clean my arms and legs.

I scrubbed my hair. "Oh there you are goldie locks." I told myself. I drained the water and got dressed in some clean clothes. I checked the clock. It was 3:29.

I don't even know what day it is. I peeked out the window and saw that Beth and Jim's cars were gone.

This was my chance. I walked around the second floor towards Cayden's room and heard music. He was sound asleep. This was my chance. I went downstairs and threw on my boots, hat, gloves, and my coat. "I love you Cay," I whispered, it's a somewhat lie..

I walked out the door. It hurt to walk but I can't stay here. I won't. I slowly walked down the street . Think Katie think. What is closest? The police station. I pulled up my coat hood and continued to walk. I have not missed Minnesota. It's too dang cold for me up here.

I walked another block before my legs were quiting on me. You are not a quitter Katie. "Yes I am." I felt a tear go down my cheek. It hurts. I glanced up and saw someone walking their dog. It's to cold for that. Speak Katie!

"Ma'am!" I yelled.

She looked to her left and saw me. "Yes?" She asked.

"Can you help me?" I asked. She walked across the street towards me.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Your that Girl, Katherine!"

"Please help me."

"Come with me doll." She put her arm around me and we walked towards a home across from where we were standing.

"Let's get you warm dear." She opened her house door and stepped in. I closed the door behind me and took off my coat and hat.

I took a deep breathe. "I'm Carol."

"Thank you. I'm Katie. I had to escape."

"Come sit down dear." She led me to her living room. "Jerry!" She called. "Bring two hot cocos to the living room. And yes I know your in the kitchen." I slightly laughed.

"Do you have any Advil?" She gave me a questioning look.

"Of course doll." She walked toward her purse and handed me two capsuls.

"Can you help me get to the police station?" I asked her.

"Of course dear." Her husband, I'm assuming, brought two mugs out. "Thanks doll."

She handed me one, "Thank you."

"Tell me dear, why were you out in the cold?" I tossed the two Advil in my mouth and took a sip of the really warm coco.

"I was escaping."

"Who had you?"

"I was over on 12th street, The DeKosters."

"I don't think I know them."

"You wouldn't want to." I sniffled. She grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry Katie, I'll get you home."

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