Here we are

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Back problems were fun. Please, note the sarcasm.
Laying down was now always uncomfortable for the carrying male, as the weight on his stomach always was hard to get comfortable with. It didn't help that he was alone at the moment, as his mate had to do something. Thank gods they had phones, or he would've gone along with him.

It was a bit difficult to breathe as well, as the little parasite was requiring a lot of his energy. Besides, the weight difference was hard to get used to, even if the little bastard wasn't kicking and moving around in him. God, he loved his daughter.

Subconsciously, he rubbed his baby bump, humming a small lullaby as he tried to get more used to laying down again. It always took a few minutes before his spine stopped hurting, and his lungs got used to the added weight. He never complained. After all, his daughter was a treasure, and it's worth every pain to help her develop and come to this unbearable planet. Hey, he isn't lying. Their planet was dying, and he could only hope it would pull through.

"Is it really that hard for you to adjust, babe?" Grey was quick to sit up, a grin already stretching across his features as Isaac went over to him, "Well, yes, it actually is. Our darling princess is a pretty big weight, and my back can't really handle it." He shrugged, quickly leaning against Isaac with a satisfied sound as soon as he was close enough.

"You're touch-starved today." The other noted, raking his fingers through his partner's hair, smiling lightly as it made him cuddle into him more.
"Can't help it. Little princess has been taking a lot of your attention, and I'm the one suffering for it." The joke almost flew over Isaac's head, though he got it surprisingly quickly, earning a snort before he gently patted Grey's back, "Scoot. I wanna cuddle," and Grey was quick to do so, clinging to him as soon as Isaac was on the bed with him.

Back problems weren't fun, but hey, they paid off.

Fandom: Non-specific.
Ship: Polarguard.
Au: God AU


"So, what does it feel like to be in a union again? How long will it last this time?" Grey immediately tensed at the question, turning to look at the god who had asked. Why did Isaac have to talk with Rhen *now*?

"Pardon? I do not know what you're talking about." Grey hissed, narrowing his eyes at the fiend as he 'hugged' his baby bump protectively.
"Babe, come on now, you know what I mean. I want another union. The brat died from a complication, and I want another, so, tell me, how long is this union lasting for?" They asked, leaning against the table where Grey was seated at, and he promptly scooted away with his chair, a hand still on his belly.

"This isn't a one-time thing, Darren. Leave it be, and leave me alone. I'm not going to cheat on my boyfriend," the god of purgatory took a deep breath, rolling his shoulders to calm himself. He shouldn't put too much stress on the baby, "Besides, what would a union do for me? It gave me my crew last time, but what would it give this time? Money? Another child which you'll take away? Tell me, what did you even plan with our offspring? Union's are supposed to be peace bringers, or heirs."

"Baby, please. You know what I want. Besides, how great can your boyfriend truly be? How long have you been together? Or, are you just whoring yourself out?" Grey got up at that point, trying to walk past the intruder before they grabbed his arm, tugging him right back, "I'm not leaving without an answer, and neither are you." Their grip was harsh, and it was painful. Grey's breathing faltered for a moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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