Let's see.

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A small chorus of curses erupt from the Assasin as a guard called for back up. He turned around, making a dash for a hiding spot, double jumping and latching onto a pipe, climbing up higher and higher until he was safe from the guard's sight. He sighed, taking his mask off and flipping his hood off his head, gently hitting his head as he hovered his hand over the materializing 'Resume', 'Save', 'Load', 'Exit to main menu' and 'Exit to Windows' loading screen appeared. The surroundings turning grey as the entity watched in amusement.

'Cooorvo, Corvo, Corvo. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Failed again, I see? A chase can never be good without a few trial and errors.'

The black-eyed man hummed, watching as his dearest Corvo reloaded on his last save point, retrying the scene so he can sneak by and get this achievement.
'I chose so well, didn't I?'
The Outsider sighed happily, following Corvo along with the scene again.

Fandom: Dishonored.
Ship?: None.
Au?: No name.


Flug let a sigh pass his lips, tapping the tip of his umbrella against the ground impatiently. Even if the day was beautiful, and the air was fresh, he couldn't help but feel annoyed. It was warmer than on Hat Island, and it made him sweat.
Besides, he was waiting. Waiting for... What? He didn't exactly know, but he knew it was... Someone.

"Flug! There you are!" The chirpy, happy voice of Morrigan Crow broke Flug's  train of thought as the young Crowling hugged his middle, and he gently patted her head, a smile playing on his lips as the ravenette pulled away again, "What are you doing here?" She asked, taking a small step back to put her own umbrella down, it's sharper point digging into the earth under them.
"Waiting." The doctor replied simply, looking at the forest again. Those... Those red berries weren't there before, right?
"Waiting for who?" The child asked, tilting her head at the doctor curiously. "I am... Not sure, miss Crow. I just know that I am waiting for someone important to me," Flug sighed again, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he looked down at the ravenette, "Would you like to wait with me?" With a sharp nod, Morrigan stood next to Flug, smiling up at the adult before mimicking his stance and actions.

"The party is boring. Jupiter seems to enjoy it, but the only fun person here is that weird pink haired lady." Morrigan commented idly, looking out into the forest as well, "Demencia is someone you don't want to get involved with, young Crowling, trust me on this." The doctor stated, gripping the neck of his umbrella before loosening his grip.

"Besides-" "Itward!" "Excuse me?" The ravenette's exclamation made Flug look at her before she rushed off towards the forest. Towards a very tall skeleton, to be precise. Flug felt as if the appropriate reaction would be to drop his umbrella in shock, but all he could do was break out into a big grin, shout 'Itward!' Aswell before running to the tall skeleton to greet his old friend. He was real.

Fandom: Villainous, Fran Bow.
Ship?: None.
Au?: Magic Au.


The small hiccups and cries of Anzu easily woke Saitama. Stretching, he rolled onto his back before getting up to check on his daughter, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he did so.

It was parental instinct by now, gently picking his daughter up, letting her rest against him and gently pat her back while bouncing up and down a bit. It always worked, and his little acorn was asleep in no time again.
"Is she alright?" The man jumped, his hand tightening on his daughter's jumper before he relaxed, turning to look at the cyborg, "Yes, she is. Just another nightmare, I presume. Do you want to hold her, Genos?" He questioned, softly shifting Anzu's position before looking at the teen, well, young adult again.

An assortment of stories, all under 2000 lettersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt