03. Seven Wonders

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Chapter Three

        Seven Wonders 

        Everything stopped. Everything was silent. No more screaming, no more birds. Just pure silence. All of the students rose up, Stiles letting go out Lydia but he still had a tight grip around my lower back. The room was trashed, desks were uneven along with chairs flipped over. Papers scattered all over in a mess. Glass pieces along with feathers and dead birds all over the floor.

        My chest moved up and down as my breath continued to be uneven. God, why does the weird supernatural behavior have to interfere right into the mouth of school? Nothing happened over the summer so why now? 

        Mrs. Blake got up, trembling, "Everyone call your parents." She instructed, her voice shaky.

        Moments later the police showed up along with some parents, including Chris Argent and Sheriff Stilinski. Stiles was leaning against a desk with his blue Nokia phone with slight blood tickling down the side of his forehead. I was across from him, my arms crossed to keep them from shaking. I looked up and saw Stiles walking over to me.

        "You alright, Shay?" He asked

        I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

        He nodded before his eyes traveled up towards my head when his eyes squinted. He reached up and grabbed something, a strand of my hair being misplaced. He retracted his hand and I saw a black feather that must have been tangled in my hair.

        I blushed, "Thanks."

        Stiles gave me a small smile as he hand dropped, it brushing over my elbow. I winced once a sharp pain spread through my lower arm. Stiles seemed to notice the small amount of pain. His hands reached up and pulled up my sleeve revealing a long, clean cut with blood seeping through. 

        "Shit, Shay." He mumbled under his breath.

        I rolled my eyes, pulling down my sleeve, "I'm fine Stiles."

        "Shay, that looks really ba-"

        "Stiles," I cut him off, "I'm fine. I'll call Deaton and he'll stitch me up."

        He sighed, "Might wanna get a band-aid too." His thumb going to the side of my forehead and rubbing it. When he pulled back, his thumb was covered in a light coat of red blood.

        I nodded, "Gotcha."

        And I did what I said I would do, I called Deaton but not just for some nursing on my wounds.

        "Ouch!" I winced as Deaton slid the needle of the skin, the string going through. Deaton had arrived at the school and picked me up, bringing me back to the clinic for some stitching. I haven't mention any of the things that happened to me last night but I planned on it, I just didn't know how to approach him with it.

        "There we go." He said as he cut the last bit of the string, placing a white bandage over my wound. Before he had place a tiny band aid on my other cut on my forehead. He stood up, putting away the needle, band aids and strings in the cabinet. 

        I sat silent, my hands cupped together on my lap, looking down at them. Why was I being so shy? Maybe it was because I was afraid he would tell the others. Deaton noticed my nervous posture and my fidgeted hands, "Everything alright Shailene?" He asked, using my full first name.

        I looked up and shook my head, gingerly, "No, not really."

      Deaton walked over and sat beside, examining the side of my face as I avoided looking at him, "What's wrong?"

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