Chapter 9: Romance

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"Um..." Harry began.

"Please?" Jenn twirled her hair around her finger.

"I can't." Harry said, pulling his hand back and slipping it into his pocket. "I'm in a relationship with someone."

Jenn didn't seemed fazed. "That's okay, what your girlfriend doesn't know, won't hurt her." She winked and bit her lip.

Harry heard the counter clerk call "next" and held up one finger to Jenn. He turned and asked for Louis's prescription. The man nodded and turned to go get it. He turned back to Jenn.

"I don't have a girlfriend." He stated slowly.

Jenn chuckled. "What do you mean you don't have a girlfriend?" Her eyes went wide when she realized.

Harry turned and got Louis's prescription. He thanked the man and turned and began to make his way out, until Jenn stopped him.

"Are you gay?" She asked a little loudly. Good thing there was no one else there in the pharmacy.

"Bisexual." Harry answered calmly, flipping his hair to the side, his curls falling all over.

Jenn gave him a look of disgust. "That's disgusting!"

He scoffed. "Says the girl who wanted my cock a few seconds ago." Harry walked past her and outside. He made his way to the car and hopped in the front seat. He pulled his seat belt over him and buckled up. Zayn turned to him.

"You get it?" He asked.

Harry rolled his eyes. "No, I just went in to use the bathroom."

"They don't have a bathroom." Niall stated, popping his head in between Harry and Zayn.

Harry laughed. "I know, I used sarcasm."

Niall realized what Harry meant and laughed. The others rolled their eyes and Zayn started the engine back up and pulled out of the parking lot. He switched on the radio, Harry turning to him. "So what kind of music you do guys write?"

"We're more of a pop, boy band type group." Niall answered, sticking his head up between Harry and Zayn. "But we're kind of looking for a new band name. We think "Time Square Rockers" isn't the right name for us."

"Oh..." Harry nodded, looking out the window, his mind full of thoughts...

~ ~ ~

Harry carried Louis inside, trying his best not to kiss him in front of the others. Liam, Zayn behind Harry, shutting the door when everyone was inside. He set Louis on the couch, taking a seat next to him. Behind them, Liam looked into the kitchen, checking the time on the stove.

"I guess I'll make what we have here for dinner." He said. "It's almost 6, no point in making anything else." He turned the stove burners back on and continued the scrambled eggs and made more bacon.

"We were gone that long?" Zayn asked, his eyes wide.

Liam nodded, his back to Zayn. "Guess so."

"I'll come help you." Zayn stood up and followed him into the kitchen.

Harry watched, seeing Niall head upstairs, saying he'd he real quick, then he turned to Louis. He took his lovers good hand in his. "You okay, Boo Bear?" Harry called Louis by the nickname he thought of.

"Yeah." Louis nodded, eyeing the bottle of medication. He felt his hand ache and whimpered softly. Harry noticed and quickly got one for Louis. He popped it into his mouth, taking a drink of water from the bottle they bought him on the car ride back. Louis gave Harry a smile, telling him thanks.

Harry couldn't help but return the smile. He turned to make sure no one was looking, than kissed his boyfriend. His hands held onto his waist, lips kissing his cheek before pulling back. "I love you, don't ever forget that." Harry whispered to Louis.

Louis responded. "I love you too, Hazza." He smiled like a little kid getting candy and hugged him.

A voice across the room spoke. "What's going on here?"

The two boys turned to see Zayn standing in the doorway. Louis thought quickly. "I was telling him thank you for helping me earlier. And I was gonna tell you after you finish dinner and Niall whenever he decides to come back down."

Zayn nodded in understatement. Louis ran over and wrapped his best friend in a hug. "Thank you." Louis said, loud enough for everyone to hear. He hoped Zayn hadn't seen anything else but the hug and the 'I love you' as a friend. He didn't.

"It's not problem, Mate." Zayn returned the hug, patting Louis's back.

"Where's my hug?!" A thick Irish accent asked, feet pounding down the stairs.

Louis hugged Niall. "Right here, Lad."

Liam came out to announce dinner was finished, but was pulled into Louis's grasp before he could even say 'hey'. Liam didn't hesitate to hug back, a smile on his face. "It's no problem, we're family." Liam stated.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Later that night, everyone retired to their rooms and went to bed, exhausted from their long day of arguing and the hospital trip. Harry lay in his bed, arm behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. He thought of Louis and a smile crossed his plump lips.

Louis stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom, he tossed and turned for the last ten minutes, unable to fall asleep. He rolled onto his side and let out a deep sigh. He blinked a couple times before rising from his bed. His footsteps were quiet across the carpeted floor as he made his way towards Harry's room.

He stopped right in front of the door. What if he's sleeping? Louis asked himself. He bit his lip, unsure whether or not to enter or not. He didn't wake to wake his boyfriend, yet he didn't want to sleep alone. Maybe I can go in without waking him and just crawl into bed like I've done before? Louis smiled at the thought and grabbed the door knob. He slowly turned it.

Harry heard the soft sound of his bedroom door being opened and quickly sat up, flipping his bedside lamp on. His smile grew bigger, seeing Louis standing in his doorway.  Both were surprised to see the other awake, but Harry didn't mind one bit of it. "Hey, can't sleep?" Harry asked with a slightly tired smile. Louis nodded, folding his hands at his chest. Harry chuckled softly and patted the spot in bed next to him. "Here," he began, "Come lay with me."

A big smile crossed Louis's face as he made his way over and lay next to Harry, placing his head onto the curly haired boy's chest. Harry wrapped an arm around Louis as if to protect him from all the harm off the world. His other hand ran though Louis's hair. Harry planted a soft kiss on Louis's head, a smile on his face.

"Harry...?" Louis whispered quietly, sleep filling his voice.

Looking down at him, Harry responded. "Yes Love?" He didn't get a response. Soft snores could be heard coming from the British lad laying on Harry's chest. "I love you, Boo Bear." Harry smiled tiredly. He kissed Louis's head again. He kay his head into his soft pillow, staring up at the white ceiling. Eyes growing heavy quickly, Harry took a deep breath and slowly released it, closing his eyes, arm never leaving his mates waist.

Moments passed and Harry fell asleep. The two lay together, Harry's arms had slid off of Louis, but his arm wrapped around Harry's waist, holding himelf close to his lover. A smiled crossed over Louis's face and not even a few seconds had passsed when a smile crossed Harry's face as well.

"I love you too, Hazza." Louis said quietly in his sleep, nuzzling his head into Harry's chest.

Three words, so much meaning, unknown to the two boys each felt that exact way towards each other.

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