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Every story in my Color of Love collection celebrates the expanse, the depth, and the height of love between a phenomenal black woman and the man who truly loves her, from the color of the skin God placed her in, to everything that makes her the incredible woman she is, and the phenomenal woman she is becoming. The man who can see it all, ultimately, uplifts her and only her as his queen, as he believes in and inspires her strength and her potential. Every story is filled with plenty of relationship drama, family drama, personal struggles and challenges, triumphs, and victories—everything that becomes part of her dramatic journey. Including all the questions, the puzzles, the cheat sheets, the answers, the beauty, the wonder, the excitement, and the experiences of my characters' lives, their personal growth, and their spiritual development.

Silver Currents of Change, is where my collection of stories begins. It is Book One of a ten-book collection I titled "Color of Love." Now beginning the writing of the sixth Color of Love novel, I chose this name for the collection because I wanted to color-code each and every colorful, romantic story, and I wanted every story to be inextricably tied to the color presented in the book's title.

Since the issue of "color-ism" still plagues African-American/black communities across the African diaspora, and since there are so many beautiful and rich skin colors and tones associated with our magnificent and resplendent diaspora, many of my stories take a look at skin color privileges and stigmas, as they exist or as they are manifested in the U.S. With these issues in mind, I wanted to place emphasis on the idea of color by giving each of these books a colorful title. You can look forward to reading books with heroes and heroines who have skin tones ranging from white, to the lightest of light brown, the darkest of dark brown, and all the amazing and brilliant colors in between, celebrating the richness, the variety, and the sheer magnetism of the bountiful bouquet of color variety that lives within the DNA of all blacks/African Americans.


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