Chapter 6: Inky Nightmares

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A month into the twins stay, Billy had been noticing Stanford would rather spend more time with the kids than with him. Like when he had drawn a picture for his creator, he was rather proud of it; it had turned out good. But the man had put it on his desk and turned back to Dipper without even acknowledging him, not even a thank you, or a treat. It made him upset.

Once everyone was in bed late that night on the last day of that month, he climbed the bookshelf in Stanford's study and pulled the spell book out. The demon yelped as he fell off; the book hitting the ground with a thud, Billy following close behind. Billy stood up, dusting himself off and went over. He opened it up and flipped through it till he got to the spell that Stanford had used to create him.

The demon sniffed, he wasn't supposed to exist, not like this anyway, he was made with dark magic, made with evil. He had been nothing but a toy, a project, created then ignored when something better came along. 

Billy sat down and read the page top to bottom, eye wide at all the interesting things. According to the book, he could manipulate the ink to do anything he wanted. As long as people consumed it, he could give people nightmares, make them do his bidding.

Pay attention to him.

Billy memorized the page and pushed the book under the desk.


Dipper didn't sleep much that night of the second month of his stay here at his Grunkle's creaky house, while his sister snored, he lay awake listening to the pipes gurgle, eyes alert. Dipper let out a small gasp as he heard something, a bubbling noise from inside his very room. He grappled for his flashlight and turned it on, his eyes widening at what he was seeing. Rising from his floor was a pile of ink. It grew bigger and bigger before his eyes, forming into Billy, eye wide and a mouth full of jagged teeth, the demon let out a loud guttural screech and lunged at him.

"ARGHHHHHHH!" Dipper screamed bloody murder as he woke up, waking Mabel from her slumber in fright "Dipper?" Mabel asked, noticing her brothers heavy panting and wide eyes as the sunlight streamed through the curtain-less window. He was also covered in ink "Dipper?" she asked again. Dipper looked up as ink dripped down from the ceiling splattering on his face "Pipe must be leaking" Mabel said, Dipper grimaced "Oh, come on! I just brought these Pajamas! And the inks in my mouth too!!" the boy said unhappily, spitting out the black substance.


Billy burst into laughter as Dipper trailed into the kitchen the next morning, covered in ink "What happened!?" Stanford asked shocked "Pipe must be leaking above my bed, woke up like this" Dipper said, Stanford frowned "There is no pipe above you Dipper" Dippers blood ran cold and he turned to the demon who was currently snatching a pancake and pouring his inky breakfast over it "You!" Dipper growled, Billy looked up after devouring the inky pancake "Me? What did I do?"

"You, you poured ink over me!"

"I was sleeping!" Billy insisted.

Mabel put a hand on her brother's shoulder "Dipper calm down, getting mad isn't going to help" Stanford turned to his little creation "Billy? Did you pour ink on Dipper?" Billy sighed and finally nodded "I gave him a bad dream" the demon said, Stanford looked confused "Explain"

"I can make the ink do things to people if they consume it," Billy said doing an eye grin "I read it in the spell book, cool right!?" Stanford sighed "NO! That's not cool! That's bad!" the man said, pointing a finger.

Billy huffed, "Its not like you even care, you're too busy with them to pay attention to me," the demon said crossing his arms. Stanford rubbed his eyes "I'm sorry if you feel like I'm not paying you attention Billy, but I'm trying, I have work to do as well you know"

Billy wiped an inky tear from his eye angrily "Excuses" the demon said. He grabbed his cane and stretched himself off the table, hobbling off.


Stanford wandered down to the basement, pushing open the door, hoping to apologize to Billy for not paying him enough attention,

"Billy I-" he started, he gasped as he looked up, staring at the room in shock, his office was a mess, ink everywhere, Billy was nowhere to be seen. And written in ink on the wall was a message that chilled him to the bone:

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