Chapter 6

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The young elf and the one-eighth dwarf lay in bed. Azmira still sleeps, she lays naked, facing Tir'veyn. He, also laying naked, admires the curves and features of the red haired beauty. He places his hand on her shoulder and runs it down her arm and body, feeling the skin beneath his hand. He didn't have nightmares. They had stopped about a year after coming to Irimar but ever since he had killed again, they had returned, worse than before. Last night he had none though. Gheriq has shown him that it is not bad to be a killer. Tir'veyn was good at it, he has done it many times and he has never killed an innocent. What is there to be guilty of? His toxicity had not changed though. Azmira was used to sights such as wounded soldiers since she has been patching up her uncle for years, but Fayra...she had never seen such bloodshed until Tir'veyn came into her life. The elf might have been more comfortable with his ability to kill, but was still completely convinced of his toxicity. Azmira woke to the soft caresses of Tir'veyn. She opened her beautiful, brown eyes and looked into his golden gaze, smiling. He returned the smile, genuinely happy just to see hers.

"You're not gonna' jump out the window and never see me again are you?" She asks, still with her sweet smile.

Tir'veyn leans in and kisses her softly but passionately. "Never." He says simply. "Besides I think if I did, Gheriq would find me and chop my balls off."

Azmira chuckles. "Of that, I have no doubt." She snuggles up to him and puts his arm around her.

They lay in silence for several minutes, Azmira her eyes closed and Tir'veyn staring at the roof, lost in thought.

Fayra enters the inn, looking for the fiery haired dwarf and keeping a subtle, keen eye out for Tir'veyn. She sees Gheriq sleeping on a large table where a few other dwarves and humans also sit, knocked out from their rowdy night. Though the raven haired thief will not be discouraged, she wants work outside of the Regent's unfair system, she actually wants to make coin. An amazing amount of drool streams from Gheriq's mouth and onto his fire red beard. He sits in a chair leaning against the wall, his eyes closed and his arms hanging at his sides. One could easily mistake for a corpse were it not for the loud snoring. Fayra flicks his nose and he slowly awakes.

"Who goes there?" he says yawning, stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"I'm looking for work." The elven thief says coldly.

"Oh, Fayra me lass. How are ya?" the dwarf says sluggishly.

"Fine. Look Gheriq, I need work, do you have any?"

"Aye. There might be some, suited to your particular talents, perhaps. But you'll have to ask me tonight after the celebration hangover has worn off."

"What were you celebrating?"

"Tir, the brothers and I pulled off a big job yesterday and I bought the inn."

She springs to attention when he hears his name.

"Tir'veyn is here?" she asks, acting as though she does not care that much.

"Aye, he rented a room" the foolish dwarf stops talking, having seen his niece go up to the room with him. "Though I don't think he is still here. He usually leaves before I awake, bright and early as always." The dwarf nervously laughs.

She scoffs. "Fine, I'll see you tonight."

She goes to leave but stops walking and turns around when she hears the footsteps. The golden eyed elf comes down stairs, he is looking down at his hands, putting his gloves on and does not see her. Just like in the courtyard, Fayra puts her hands on her hips and sways them suggestively.

"It seems we can't avoid each other." She says, looking at the oblivious elf.

Tir'veyn clears his throat nervously. "Yes, it does. What are you doing here?"

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