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A small elven village sits hidden away amongst the Cardein forests along the border between the Elven Empire and the Human Kingdoms. The village Erfail, lay just on the elven side though thankfully the thick and wild woodlands protect it from harm, should the likely possibility of war erupt again, only a few years after the last. The village lays in a large clearing next to a still lake. The huts are made of the vines and roots of still living trees thanks to the druids of the Cardein. The twin suns lay low in the sky, creating dappled light through the enormous trees that makes the Cardein so unique. The hundred or so elves inhabiting the village were hard at work, just like any other day. Many of them perform menial tasks that service their village and their families. The elves of this village have always harmoniously, contently, peacefully, even during past wars. A young elven boy, no older than twelve, sits atop the roof of his double story hut, playing a whimsical tune on a wonderfully carved flute.

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