Chapter 26, Little bird

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Miyu sighed as she leaned back against the wall as she waited for Rei to come back from submitting for a class. Something he said was to keep Natsume in check. Hearing the sound of footsteps she looked over the corner to see Rei making his way over with a more well-groomed appearance. 

"Hey!" A voice suddenly called out as her eyes widen catching sight of Natsume chasing after Rei. 

"What are you trying to pull?" Natsume asked garing at the older man who only smirked.

"Wearing that sorry excuse for a disguise... What's a creep like you doing showing up in a classroom."

"I was ordered from the headmaster," Rei spoke out. "They said your eyes lately aren't as wild as they used to be. and told me to ascertain the cause myself. While I was at it i thought...I might as well learn about the kitten of different colors you've been hanging around with lately." Rei spoke out as he let his hairspring loose from his ponytail. His eyes flickering to the girl standing behind the corner her hair peeking out slightly as a single strain of white hair stood out among the blue hair locks.  

"What are you talking about?" Natsume asked stubbornly.

"It was rather enjoyable. I never thought the day would come where I would see you sitting in class so quietly taking a test. Even though there's nothing for you to gain from taking it. After all, you haven't had a home or family to go back to for a long time now." Rei said causing Natsume to flinch freezing in his spot. A faint familiar voice called out to him from his memories as Rei continued on.  

"The headmasters advised against their pet cat gaining new favorites. I'd advise you to stay away from ESP's favorite songbird. She isn't allowed to have favorites either, neither will the ESP allow her to spring loose from her shackles. It didn't end well the last time it happened." Rei said as he reached out to touch a plant standing in the hallway. Instantly the plant crumbled turning to dust. 

"You'd had best be careful," Rei warned Natsume before walking away. Turning the corner he looked down at Miyu who had her head bent hands clenched to her side.

"Sorry, Miyu." Rei apologized.

"It's fine, let's go. ESP promised to let me meet that boy at the hospital." Miyu said with a tired sigh turning her back away as she walked away. Her mind still going over the warning Rei had given Natsume not help but think that warning was just as much directed to her.


 Walking down the large white hallway the heels of her shoes created an echoing noise. Her hair shifting around her body with every step she made. Changing out of her uniform she dressed in a short dark blue long sleeve dress with a white ribbon tied at the collar. In her arms she held a large bouquet of white daisies, Silently Rei walked behind her dressed in his disguise with his hair pulled back once again.  A bank smile placed on his face for those nurses and patients then passed along the way. 

Approaching the door, Miyu stared silently at the name plack placed at the side of the door before sliding the door open closing the door behind her as Rei waited beside the door. Stepping inside the room she glanced around the nice hospital room before her eyes caught sight of the familiar figure sitting upon the hospital bed. 

"Mother." The young boy greeted with a warm smile as he gazed up from the open book in his lap. 

"Kaname-kun." Miyu greeted the boy back with a rare warm smile as she walked over to the bedside handing the flowers to the boy who smiled back as he played with the flower petals.

"How are you feeling?" Miyu asked feeling annoyed with her short height as she sat on the bed to reach up and touch Kaname's forehead. Smiling the boy closed his eyes enjoying her cool yet warm touch as the sweet scent of lilies filled the air.      

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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