Chapter 24, New ray of hope

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The cold wind blew harshly pushing the falling snow all around, the streets empty as a tall figure with long blue hair struggled to walk against the current of the wind. Her hair dancing in the wind behind her almost as long as her body. Another figure walked beside her as the two held hands pulling each other to keep moving forward. Their identities are hidden by the hoods of their sweaters as they carried on in silence. From a distance, a tall man watched them with wide surprised eyes to have stumped upon this moment in time. 

He watched the two girls move along the girl with blue hair stopped falling on her knees out of breath as she touched the bump on her stomach. Tears filling her eyes as she gazed down at her bump before a small child cry was heard from the small newborn hidden in the arms of the other girl.

"We have to keep moving." The girl spoke up causing the blue-haired girl to gaze up at her with eyes filled with hatred. 

"This is all your fault." The girl blue haired girl spoke up tears streaming down her cheek before letting out a gasp in pain as the red stain that from her side grew causing the girl to fall back on the ground. The snow all around her turning red. The other girl's eyes widen in panic before quickly rushing to the girl's side. 

"Miyu!" The girl cried out as Miyu's vision began growing blurry as she stared up at the falling snow above. 


Before the man could take a step forward he once again was thrown back in time, this time to the future his eyes widen in shock at the sight in front of him. Standing alone in a blizzard stroma young tall boy with longish light grey hair and grey-blue eyes. Despite the cold the wore tight black jeans boots and a sleeveless black jacket. The air around him dark as dark energy flowed around him. In his hand was a gold locket stained with blood.  Almost as if sensing the man the young boy quickly turned to him with an icy cold glare, reminding him much of the blue-haired girl's cold eyes.  The two stared at one another in silence as the blizzard grew stronger, just as the storm inside the boy did. 


Standing in front of the mirror Miyu eyes harden as hatred filled her heart. Her mind drifting to earlier that morning when Persona had come with a message from the very person she hated the most requesting her presence for the Alice festival day three opening ceremony. She was brought to a room and dressed in formal dress, her hair styled and face makeup. His twisted way to show he would always control her as long as he held those two trump cards in his hand. Yoichi. And...Eichi's lifeline. 

Letting out a sigh Miyu reached out grasping the golden locket around her neck before walking out the door where Persona was waiting for her outside. 

"I'm sorry," Persona spoke out quietly as if for no one to hear. Gazing up at him the girl only shook her head with a smile before the two walked to the stage where the three headmasters were seating. Instead of taking seats Miyu was forced to stand beside the elementary headmaster's chair. Catching his eyes the man inside a small boy's body smirked at her clearly enjoying her disgust. As the rewards were soon distributed Miyu gazed around the crowd catching Mikan's own wide-eyed idiot like face. Frowning Miyu resisted the childish urge to stick her tongue out at the girl turning her head away before catching the eyes of another girl standing behind the high school headmaster's chair. The girl turned to Miyu sending a warm smile making her silver-blue eyes shine. The girl was dressed in a cute innocent way as well. In contrast to Miyu who was dressed in a white-blue dress to go with her hair, the girl was dressed in a white dress with a dark blue ribbon with pearls around her waist. Their wavy hair the same while Miyu's was blue the girl's hair was a light shade of golden brown with bangs that shimmered like silk in the sunlight. The girl had small braids in her hair with small white flowers twined in them.  

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