Epi - 10 Years Later

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Dany sits beside Jorah who discusses the latest issues she needs to deal with. It's routine now. She's been queen for ten years now. She's aged, but she's aged well. Grown into the elegance and grace of a queen. The door ahead of them door opens and closes against before tiny rushed footsteps head towards the table, Dany and Jorah share a look, Jorah looks down at his papers with a smile. Dany waits for it, only just making out the tuft of white hair dashing under the table and crawls out the other side to where his mother sits. Dany smiles as the three-year-old climbs up into her lap, her fingers threading through white locks.

"Mason" Dany whispers warmly and kisses his head, but she is scolding too, he knows better than to disturb these meetings. "Where's your father?" she asks him, Mason giggles and shakes his head. "You're not going to tell me, little one?" Dany whispers to her son. Edward slips into the room, trying to be as sneaky as his son failed to be. He's aged to. The effects of the cure on his features. But he's aged better than even her. He's grown into a beautiful young man. Dany's eyes catch Edward's and he shrugs a little before approaching his wife.

"He slipped through my fingers" Edward teases lifting Mason from her lap. Mason giggles. Dany watches them both softly. "Sorry, Jorah" Edward offers the older man who smiles and waves off the apology. He adores that little boy just as much as he did Dany when she was younger, he's missed the sound of children's laughter.

"Let the young prince wreak havoc" he offers. "While he is still young enough to do so, before he is bound by duty" Dany and Jorah share a look. "Go," he tells her. "Spend time with your family...these matters can wait a few hours" she takes his hand and squeezes before she stands to join her husband and child.


Edward knocks on a doorframe and then lets himself into the room beyond it. He smiles instantly as he lingers there. Just watches the scene in front of him.

"Rhaella" Edward states catching the attention of his 7-year-old daughter. Golden blonde hair with a white streak that curls around the front. She looks so much like Dany. She looks up from her books with big green eyes to smile at Edward as he leans in the door. "Your mother and I are taking Mason into the city," He tells her. "Would you like to join us?" she glances at her tutor who shoots Edward a look, because they know her studies are not meant to be interrupted. But who can deny the Queen and her heirs anything in Dragonstone. The tutor waves them both off. Rhaella jumps up and moves to her father who picks her up and smiles warmly at her. She is as much a princess in life as she is in title. Everyone loves her.


Edward smiles warmly watching Emmett with Mason, who runs away from the larger man, Emmett purposely thudding along behind him as Drogon watches amused. The young prince adores his Uncle, much as Emmett does him. He's getting in the practice for the birth of his own son. Once the cure worked on Edward, he promptly informed his sister, Rosalie, he knew how much she hated being a vampire, so he asked Dany, who of course said they could give it to her. Rosalie and Emmett both took it, opting to live nice human lives with human children. Rosalie and Emmett now live in the town around Dragonstone. Emmett even works in the palace as Dany's Guard Captain. Edward wouldn't trust the job to anyone else. He trusts Emmett to have her back. To have her people's back. The people took time getting used to Edward as the Prince Consort but they eventually came around with time, and seeing Edward at Dany's side, participating in her duties, talking to her people. Mingling and even converting to their religion. He didn't mind, in fact, he wanted to, he wanted to be closer to Dany. So before they got married, he converted to the Faith of the Seven. Then they married in a traditional ceremony, she looked beautiful in white. Stunning. And then Mason came along. And the people took to Mason as their prince without hesitation, just as they had Rhaella, even with their doubts about Edward. Those children had everyone wrapped around their fingers within the first month.


Dany brushes her hair as she sits at her dresser, the soft light of the shared chambers makes her skin glow, and Edward loves to see her like this, without makeup, without her crown, without all the royal accessories, just Dany. She hums softly closing her eyes and pulling the brush through her hair. Edward smiles and moves closer to her.

"I love you," Edward tells Dany who smiles looking up at him, he strokes her cheek and leans down to kiss her. She hums happily against his lips. "I mean it" he adds pulling back. "Look at what you've given me" he smiles. "A life....children" he kisses her again. "Such wonderful children" he whispers against his lips. "You are so beautiful," he tells her utterly lost in those eyes of hers. She stands and turns to face him, his arms instantly coming to wrap around her. He made the right choice. Picking mortality and Dany. Picking this life. How can he ever regret something so beautiful and perfect? He kisses her again, holding her close to him. His wife. His entire life. His soul mate. His family. He got all of it...because he met Dany. His entire life made, because of her. She smiles against his lips and takes a breath pulling back. They share a look, one of pure love and companionship. Their life couldn't be more perfect. He nudges her nose. He knows that they won't have forever, he gave that up, but he'll take ever last year he can get with her, as long as he is at her side. 

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