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Drogon is a firm fixture with the pack; they love him, almost.....almost as much as Dany does. The way he's wiggled into their hearts is effective, with those eyes and his immature behaviour, perhaps they see themselves in him, Dany would assume that was the reason given how immature they can seem at times. Dany's eyes track the dragon as he bounces from shoulder to shoulder around the room, but her mind is elsewhere, she can't stop thinking about her in counter with Edward, even as Sam's friend laugh and joke around her her mind is on Edward.


6 hours earlier: Edward is still staring at Drogon who nuzzles into Dany's cheek, her eyes tracking Edward making sure he's not about to run off and scream it from the rooftops that she has a dragon.

"I don't..." Edward starts mouth opening and closing slightly, Dany smiles cautiously at him.

"No one was supposed to be out here" she offers. He raises an eyebrow. She sighs and looks down. "I suppose I better explain" she whispers, Edward nods. "My real name is Daenerys Targaryen" she admits. "I am from an island off the coast of the United Kingdom called Westeros.....where my family ruled as it's royal family...." Drogon nudges her. "And we have dragons"

"No offence" Edward starts. "But what are you doing here?" she looks down a little.

"My entire family was assassinated" she admits looking back to him, his features soften and he takes a step towards her, before stopping when Drogon shifts on her shoulders to watch him.

"I'm so sorry" he offers her, she nods a little.

"Jorah, my personal guard, he...he saved me and he brought me to the only family I have left......Sam"

"So you and Sam are related?" He asks her, she nods.

"My grandmother was Bethanne Uley....Sam is my...second cousin" She offers and shrugs a little. "I haven't seen him since I was a small child....It's been a bit awkward if I'm being honest" she reaches up and scratches at Drogon's chin.

"I've never heard of...Westeros" Edward admits, she shrugs.

"No one should have" she answers. "Not unless you've been there or from there....we're very secretive....on account of the dragons" he nods back a little still trying to get his mind around all of this.

"Yes, that would....make sense" he mumbles.

"You can't tell anyone" she suddenly states a waver in her usually so made up exterior, panic and alarm now hitting her. "If they find out where I am they will kill me; they will find me and they will kill me and Drogon....no one was supposed to find out about this"

"I won't tell anyone" he promises her. She raises an eyebrow.

"Why? Why would..."

"Do you really think I would risk your life so easily?" he asks her, she shrugs a little.

"You don't know me" she points out. "And I've just shown you a creature thought myth...." Edward smirks a little knowing she doesn't realise what she's talking to.

"No one deserves to die" he answers softer. "No one deserves to have their entire family taken from them like that" she glances to him. "And no one as kind as you"

"How do you know I'm kind?" she asks him. "It could be a disguise...an act"

"It's not" he argues, she raises an eyebrow at him. "It's in your eyes.....plus you've never eye rolled at Jessica, and I feel that if you can tolerate her there is little to agitate you" she smiles.

"There are things that do...irate me" she admits. "Granted I probably would never find them here....." Edward raises an eyebrow at her this time. "My country is remarkably less developed then here.....we like our traditions"

"Nothing wrong with being traditional" He offers. She snorts.

"Yeah, we still equip out military with swords" she points out. "Or we did; I have no idea what's going on at the minute...."

"And there is no way for you to find out?" he asks, she shrugs and looks down.

"No" she answers quietly mourning her home and her people. "My people could be hurting and I don't know"

"I'm sure they're okay" Edward offers, she glances to him and then takes a few steps.

"Sam says I'm supposed to stay away from you" she admits but she is moving closer to him.

"Oh?" Edward asks, she shrugs a little reaching up for Drogon, he clutches to her hand letting her pull him down to set him on the fallen tree at her side. Drogon lets out a noise from the back of his throat and hops along the branch. Dany turns to Edward who smiles at her.

"You're very calm" she comments.

"Because the strange new girl at school has a pet dragon?" he asks her, she smiles and nods. "Seen scarier" he offers nonchalantly and gives her a warm smile.


Present: Dany looks to Drogon as he bounces into her lap and then promptly curls up with her, she smiles and scratches at his head. The way Edward looked at her, not like a Princess, well Queen she supposes now, not like the strange new girl with the white hair, not the dragon mother, but as Dany. No one has looked at her like Dany for years. She's not entirely sure she hates the way that makes her feel.

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