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Doctor Katelyn Roberts, the first female cardiothoracic attending of Chicago Medical center, runs down to the ER after a 911 page.

Roberts is 33 years old, she studied at Hopkins University, the best medical school in the US, after that she's done her internship and residency at Cleveland Hospital. She got a job as attending at Mayo Clinic and after 8 years she got a promotion as Chief at Chicago Med

"You paged?" I asked in a hurry as I gloved and vested.

"MVA, pregnant woman, BP is 104 over 90. Pulse is 50 over 55. Vitals are stable."

"Order a Cat scan, and ENGIO." I took off my stethoscope from my neck and listened to the unconscious woman's heartbeat. "There's a murmur in the cavity. Her heartbeat is slowing down. Put a rush on those tests!" I demand

"Doctor Roberts, your scans are up." My intern handed me the scans.

"Dammit, there's a tumor growing on that lung. Let's get her to the OR, I need to open her up"

"She's pregnant Roberts-" the O.B on call, fellow Dr. Yaya Morgan started.

"I'm aware of that Morgan."

"You can drain the tumor, shrink it. She's only 4 months."

"I'm not cutting out her babies. I'm cutting out a tumor that will, if grown, stop her from ever meeting her babies. I know what I'm doing, so why the hell are you, a fellow, questioning my judgement when I've been a surgeon for 8 years?"

"I'm sorry."

"Shut up" I said, "Monitor the fetuses while I save her life."


The surgery was a success. I was busy updating my charts when Morgan walked up to me.

"Doctor Roberts"

I turned around, "Yeah?"

"I strive to be a surgeon like you are. First ever Cardio surgeon of the entire Illinois, became a chief at only 30 years old. I didn't question your judgement, but it is highly unlikely that fetuses won't be in distress if you do a A.C.E, one of the riskiest surgeries for pregnant women and you nailed it, you floored it. You're amazing. I want to be like you"

I smile, "You will be. You fight for your patients, you're a good surgeon. My humble opinion, go into peds, or fetal surgery, don't stay in OB. I think you can do better."


I nod and walk away. My shift's over and I'm ready to go home after a 14 hour shift.

Before I could change into regular clothes I get a page 911 from the ambulance stand.

"What's up?" I asked. Gabby jumped out, looking panicky and distressed

"Antonio Dawson, my brother, he was shot in the chest."

"Have you called the police?" I asked as I listened to his heart. I know Gabby, but I've never met her brother – didn't even know she had one. I keep to myself; the only person I know outside this hospital is my best friend since high school Erin Lindsay.

Yeah I know, I'm a little anti-social but I've only been in Chicago for 6 months.

"He is the police" She says, "Please save him Kate"

"Yeah" I nod and run down to where the nurses took Gabby's brother.

"Read me the vitals" I demand to the on-call resident. He nods and starts reading the vitals while I do an examination on Gabby's brother, who I've now learned is called Antonio

"Get him to an OR, and get me a portable Echo to the OR"

"Yes doctor" the nurse says and I scrub in when I get to the OR. The nurses prep him; nurse gloves and vests me as I walk into the OR.

They put Antonio under on anesthesia and then I started cutting.

I managed to remove the bullet, and fix the tear in his heart and lung. Pressure's down and he's stable.

"What a wonderful day to save a detective's life. Well done team" I smile as I speak and then walk out after everyone clapped and cheered.

I take off my vest, gloves and mouth mask and then walk back into the lobby where Gabby and a lot of cops sat.

Gabby stands up immediately when I reach her, I'm only clothed in my attending scrubs and my personalized scrub cap which is pink with a dog picture on it.

I'm obsessed with dogs.

"How is he?"

"He's fine. I fixed the tears in his chest and lung, I removed the bullet and his vitals are stable. He's going to be fine. He needs to take it easy for a while but he'll be okay"

"Oh thank God. Thank you Kate"

I smile and nod. I tell her to follow me to go to Antonio's room

He's awake when we get there.

"There she is" Antonio coughs, "I heard you saved my life"

I smile softly and nod with a friendly smile when the nurse passes me.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, especially now that I know how hot my doctor is. I hope I'm staying here for another few days"

"Antonio, stop flirting with your doctor." Gabby scolds and I chuckle. I'm not going to lie – he's, wow, he's incredibly hot. He has an earring, tattoos on his chest and arm. Dark hair, six pack; beautiful brown eyes. Damn.

No stop it Katelyn – he's your patient, that's just wrong on so many levels.

"You will be staying in a semi private room in the Cardiac wing with a resident monitoring you every 4 hours. Get well soon Antonio, and try not to get shot again." I smile and walk out of his room.

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