Chapter 1

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~ Your P.O.V. ~


Forbidden love stories.

Those were my favorite ones ever since I was a little girl. Ever since I could remember myself. Ever since I could remember my mother reading those stories to me. Stories of forbidden loves. Stories of a princess falling for an unprivileged but nice guy. Stories of an angel falling for a demon, though still good. Stories of a human girl falling for an angel boy or the other way round. 

Stories of forbidden love.

You may call me helplessly romantic but I just can't help it.

Yes, those were and still are my favorite stories.

Stories of two completely opposite people falling in love but not being able to be with each other. Of all the hardships they had to go through, all the obstacles and difficulties they had to overcome and all the pain they had to experience just so that they could be together.


In the end they would be together.

That's how every story ended and that's what mattered. That's what mattered to me.

When I thought of how my forbidden love story would be, that was all that mattered. Being with the one I loved would be all that mattered even if our love was forbidden. We, in the end, would be together. We would overcome all the hardships and pain and be together.

But what I had not thought of was how hard it would be to reach that end. To be able to be with the one I loved. To be able to overcome all the obstacles. All the pain.

All the guilt.

The guilt of pain. The pain I would cause to the ones that I loved and cared for.

No, I hadn't thought of that.

But then again, why should I?

There are no princes, angels or demons. The is no such thing as forbidden love. I would not fall in love with someone that I could not be able to be with. I would not cause pain to the ones I love just because of my feelings for him and the fact that we could not be together. No, that would never happen to me, right?


But it felt oh-so right.

So right that it hurt. It hurt to love him. It hurt wanting to be with him.

And no matter how much I wanted it to stop, it didn't. No matter how much I denied it, it was still there.

Someone said that you can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.

And he was right.

I'm (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n) and this is my forbidden love story.


"No (y/n), I'm telling you you're not going to skip yet another party!" my best friend, Caroline, exclaimed.

We were walking towards our last class for the day, biology, and she wouldn't stop complaining about my not wanting to join her to one of Tyler's parties. And I'm saying 'parties' because there sure as hell will be more.

"I told you Caroline, I don't wanna come to this one. Not in the mood, besides I have lots of homework" I tried to reason with her, in vain.

"You're such a nerd, you know that?! Come on, when was the last party you went to?" she asked with a raised brow.

"Last month" I stated matter-of-factly and she just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well, not the point. I'm telling you that you need to come to this one! I mean it will be like the biggest party of the year. Everyone will be there, Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt. Hell even Stefan is coming! You can't miss it!" she said oh-so-dramatically.

"I'm sorry Car, but I really can't. It's not that dad won't let me or anything like that but I just have to read for the biology test we have tomorrow. I really need to do well, and I haven't read anything so I need to study today!" I said, trying to convince her.

"Biology test? What do you mean with biology test? Where did you hear that from?" she asked me wide-eyed.

"Uhm our biology teacher said it last Friday" I said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Oh damn, I haven't studied at all!" she hit her head with her books.

"Well you really should stay home today and do so" I said as we walked inside the almost empty classroom.

"Obviously" she said with a sigh "I'll just tell Elena that I can't make it"

We both took our seats and waited for more of the students to come.

"Come on Car, don't be like that. I'm sure that Tyler is going to throw a big party again some time" I patted her back as she made a pout-y face.

"Yeah, yeah" she said and it went silent, while we awaited for our teacher to come. More students having already come.

But of course the silence didn't last long.

"Oh! Oh!" Caroline suddenly exclaimed and I turned to look at her, frowning "Look, look!" she came closer to me and pointed at the door.

"There is the hot-y!" she said pointing to someone passing. An it was none other than Mr. Winchester. Our history teacher. 

Mr. Sam Winchester. Brother to yet another teacher of ours, Mr Dean Winchester.  I knew both of them since I was a freshman, and because my father  was good friends with theirs. John Winchester, if I recall correctly, was his name. He and my father knew each other long before I was even born which meant that it was hard for my dad when John died. He managed to get over it, as much as possible that could be, and tried to live his life the best way he could, taking care of me.

I had met Sam Winchester a couple years ago, when he had visited my father, and despite the age difference we got along really well. We sort of became friends and would since then share a small talk when meeting at school. 

"Oh come on Caroline, will you ever stop that? He's our teacher!" I said with a sigh.

"Yeah, whatever. Who cares. I mean, seriously, look at him he's so, so perfect!" she all but squealed as she gazed lovingly at our teacher who was currently talking to the teacher we were about to have a lesson with, Mr. Dean Winchester.

I remember meeting him all that time ago and it feels as if it was yesterday. Just a while after Sam (I've gotten used to calling him that way) had started working at our school as a history teacher, Mr. Dean came and started working at our school as a teacher as well. 

I still remember that day, when he had walked through the door of the classroom with that dark blue suit - clearly trying to impress his students on his first day - holding his two books at one hand. Trying to seem cool and relaxed but anyone could see how nervous he felt, just by looking him in the eyes. And I knew that because the very few first moments he had walked inside the class his eyes locked with mine. And oh-boy were his eyes beautiful.

Heck, the man himself was the definition of beautiful. Handsome, so freaking handsome. Everything about him was perfect that I could not stop staring at him but of course I had to brake our gaze; feeling a blush rise on my cheeks. If Caroline could at that very moment read my thoughts then she would never stop bugging me. Not that it compared to the thoughts she had about Sam lately, it was just pure admiration. Nothing more.

It would never be anything more. He is my teacher and way older than me. End of story.

"Hey (y/n)? You there?" Caroline's voice broke my trail of thoughts.

I turned to look at her; frowning "Are you ok?" she said in a low voice; tilting her head.

"Uhm yeah yeah, why?" I asked.

"Eh well..." she trailed off making a sign towards the teacher's desk which was currently occupied by a frowning Mr. Winchester.

He was looking at me, obviously expecting an answer from me "Sorry Sir" I said reluctantly and he hesitantly nodded; continuing reading the names of each student.

I sank lower on my seat. I just opened my notebook writing down whatever I thought was important as Mr. Winchester kept on his lesson, occasionally glancing at me. And every time I avoided his eyes.

Luckily the lesson ended quickly and I grabbed my things trying to get out of class as fast as possible. I don't know why, I just wanted to avoid him.

I wasn't in the mood for talking about what was troubling me, because I knew for sure that he would ask me what was wrong with me. Being son of John, Dean was friends with my father, just like Sam, and sort of like part of the family. However I didn't really feel comfortable talking with him about anything that wasn't related to school, meaning that I didn't feel comfortable talking with him in a casual way like I did with Sam.

I 'd gotten out of the school and made my way to my house thinking of all the times he tried talking to me about something other than school and homework, whether it being about dad or me, and I gave a short reply and left.

A voice was heard behind me.


I turned to look at the person calling me.

It was Mr. Winchester.

I stood on my place, waiting for him to approach me.

"Hey, (y/n). You left before I could talk to you. I saw you at class today and you seemed kind of distracted. Are you alright? Is something wrong?" he asked as he came by my side and we continued walking.

"Uhm no, no Mr. Winchester. I'm fine. I just... I just feel a little bit tired that's all. I should be better by tomorrow" I said giving him a tight smile and he slowly nodded.

"Ok, well you should rest more" he said in a low voice and I just looked down at my feet as we both kept walking.

I felt bad. He was just being worried and wanted to know if I was alright while I just acted so... formal. I acted as if he was just a stranger while he was trying to be nice.

I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me at it "Alright then, (y/n). I'll see you tomorrow at school" he said.

I looked up at him and then around me when my eyes landed on my house, I hadn't even realized when we reached my place.

"Goodbye Mr. Winchester. I'll see you tomorrow" I gave him a small smile, that I'm sure looked forced, and he just nodded.

I turned and walked towards the door. Opening it I threw my keys at a nearby table and after taking my shoes off I walked up the stairs to my room, not bothering to check if my dad was at home. I already knew that he would be at church this time of the day.

Making my way into my room I threw my bag onto my bed and lied there. Looking out of the window which was opposite the door and next to my bed.

I looked out, at the little bit of sky that I could see from where I laid and to the window opposite mine. A window of the house of my neighbor. A window of the bedroom of my neighbor. A window from where I could see the bedroom of my neighbor...

... Dean Winchester.

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