Chapter 1: Health Scare

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Monday @ Glee Practice (2 Weeks before Sectionals):

"OK guys, let's get started." Mr. Schue instructed. "We've got 2 weeks before sectionals. So far, we've learned about camaraderie, empowerment, and inspiration. This week's lesson will be expressing yourself; and in order to express yourself, I'd like you to pick a song from a very famous singer, probably a legend in the music industry: Elton John."  "Yeah!" The Glee club cheered. "He had some great hits." Jake exclaimed. "That's right." Mr. Schue agreed. "For this week's assignment, I want you all to pick a song of his that best describes  you or helps you express yourself. "Can I go first Mr. Schue?" Scott asked. "Go ahead." Will stated. However, before Scott could start singing, he clutched his chest in pain, then collapsed on the floor. "Scott!" Kitty & Marley stated. The Glee club started to panic. "Stand back! Give him room!" Spencer ordered. "Somebody call 9-1-1! He's having a heart-attack!" Ryder shouted. Kitty began to cry then grabbed and squeezed Scott's hand. "Please don't leave me Scott! I lost you once before, I can't lose you again, not now, not ever!"

A half hour later at the hospital:

Kitty, Marley, Spencer, Will & Emma entered the hospital after the ambulance dropped Scott off. Soon a nurse came in. "Family of Scott Wilson?" She asked. "I'm his sister." Kitty spoke up. "Your brother had a minor heart-attack that was brought on by a preexisting condition." The nurse explained. "Is he awake?" Kitty asked. "Not yet. We had to put him in a medically induced coma. He should come out of it in at least two days." the nurse continued. Kitty began to cry. "Will he be alright?" Kitty asked worriedly. "He should make a full recovery, but his preexisting condition is worrisome. There are genuine health concerns with him." The Nurse explained. "What kind of concerns?" Kitty asked. "He'll have to have a internal defibrillator installed in his heart so a heart-attack like this doesn't happen again." The nurse then turned to look at Kitty. "I was hoping as his immediate family member, you would agree to allowing us to perform that surgery Ms. Wilde?" "If it saves his life, please do it." Kitty said, still crying. "Very well." the nurse replied. "Also, his diet will need to change moving forward. We found out your brother is a diabetic."

"Oh my god." Kitty said, now bawling and burying her face in her hands. "It's gonna be OK Kitty." Marley said trying to console her girlfriend. "We have to tell the rest of the Glee club about this." Spencer said. "We will...tomorrow." Will said. "Will, I'd like to schedule some therapy sessions with your respective members in the next few days. They're definitely going to need it especially in a time like this." Emma stated. "Alright." Will replied. He then walked over to Kitty & Marley and embraced them. "I'm here if you guys need anything; It's going to be OK Kitty." "I hope so." Kitty replied with tears in her eyes. 

And that's the end of Chapter 1.  Oh my god, a major health scare for Scott is definitely going to have a significant impact on the Glee Club. More importantly, how will they cope with this moving forward?

Find out in the next chapter.

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