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Narrator: Is everyone listening? Once upon a time, in a house called the Roman Empire.

Chibitalia: It’s next to my big brother France’s house.

Holy Roman Empire: *laugh*

France: *laugh*

Narrator: The new born Italy lived with various other countries. But one day, Italy’s grandfather took him away and forced him to leave his homeland friends. For a while, Italy spent his time drawing and singing with his unusually handsome grandfather. Italy had a natural affinity for artistic pursuits. So his grandfather was delighted.

Chibitalia: It’s fun to draw pictures. Somehow I feel some renaissance. I want to show my beautiful drawings to my big brothers France and the Roman Empire. And that other big brother whose name I don’t know because I haven’t met yet. I can’t wait to see everyone.

Narrator: Unfortunately, when he met them again.

Holy Roman Empire: You must become part of the Roman Empire with me!

Romano: Fratello. You’re a twerp compared to me.

Narrator: They had all become assholes.

Holy Roma Empire: Stop! I want you to become part of the Holy Roman Empire! Now! Please!

Chibitalia: *cries*



When gay marriage was legalized in Spain, Spain proposed to Romano. Romano didn't say no but isntead gave him guidlines for the marriage. xD

Prussia is a retired nation who passed on his skills and traits to his younger brother, Germany. He may in fact fade away over time. D': 

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