Best Kept Buried.

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11th November 2020:

It's Wednesday afternoon and the girls are at school. They was going to ask Catherine if she is the one doing this to them but she hasn't been there all day. Making them worry that she is plotting another move. But it's different than what they are thinking. Very different.

The girls are sat at the back of the brew. Talking about things.

"Have we got a test next week? Don't remember." Madison claims.

"No, I don't think so. The teachers would've told us about it." Chloe says. Making Madison sigh in relief, she hates tests.

"Talking about teachers" Britney looks at Chloe "how's the thing with mr. paytas?" Chloe shakes her head and smiles at Britney "Come on Chloe, I want to know!" Britney sounds a bit excited. Madison then stares at Chloe with a raise eyebrow.

"Okay, considering you two are so excited to hear about my love life. Yes, me and Trevor sorted things out but we are just friends now." Chloe says. Not the answer that Britney wanted but she takes it.

Madison laughs and goes "I'm so glad I'm single."

"Trust me, it's for the best Mads." Britney says and continues "Even though me and Dawson are so happy. Me and him go out all the time." she concludes her statement.

The laughs and talk about boys end when their phones ping again. The girls just give that here we go again look for the 100th time. They open up the text message notification and what they see panics them. Making them look round the brew for their culprit. Because it's certain now it's not Catherine. The text says:

The time is 5:30 pm and you've got three hours to find that Dale girl. She's running out of air. -Red Devil.

So the girls storm out of the brew and get into Madison's car. The hunt to find Catherine Dale is on. While in the car they talk about where she could be.

"She could be facking anyway by now. Oh, my!" Madison panics. Good job she took her medication this morning otherwise she would've been a mess now. Quoting Eminem's song again. These girls love to do that. Fack is the new f*ck I guess.

"Look, let's not panic so much okay. That's what this bitch wants. She wants to break us." Chloe states. Madison nods at her in the passenger seat. Britney gets to the middle of the back seat and starts to come up with stuff.

"Maybe, she could be kept in a garage or something. Try going to the woods." Britney states so Madison goes in that direction. To the right. The girls have anxiety building, it's like whatever Red Devil is trying to do is working. Madison is back on her medication, Britney keeps on having little panic attacks whenever she sees a red hoodie and Chloe has suffered with insomnia.

The girls arrive at the woods. So Madison parks up the car in the parking area and the girls set off walking into the woods. Anxiety is brewing between the three because they are now responsible for a another's persons life and if this all goes wrong then they are an accessory to murder.


With 2 hours left, the girls have seen no sign of Catherine or Red Devil for that matter. Who is this bitch? The girls have all thought this so much since the first text. It's rattled their brains.

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