Train to Kill

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At first sunlight, the pack takes a stroll to the Cullens who waits for them patiently. It's time to train and prepare for the newborn army. And no one knows it better than Jasper. The one turned to take care of newborns back in the days. And by take care, help them and then clean up the mess. He talked with much authority despite the shifters making fun of his stiffness, there had always been something irking about the way he is, that even his family finds disturbing from time to time, except Alice ofcourse, because she is also weird.

 He talked with much authority despite the shifters making fun of his stiffness, there had always been something irking about the way he is, that even his family finds disturbing from time to time, except Alice ofcourse, because she is also weird

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"..newborns are stronger, faster, and much fatal than vampires who had fully adjusted.." His tone really makes up for turning the speech into this horrific scene but in his sight he saw one hand raised at the back, it belonged to Vinn who looked at him unconvicingly, evem before he looked his way, Jasper already felt annoyed of his presence. "What?"

"Are we supposed to just listen to you? Shouldn't we start with the fighting stuff? They'll be here in a few days." Jasper glances at Malia who felt embarrassed and apologetic of Vinn. Even Sam doesn't want to be associated with him, while Leah is a bit amused.

Jasper then calls on Emmett to pair up with Vinn. He is the strongest of the Cullens and maybe that'll lessen Vinn's arrogance for the day. Emmett is all for fun and stops at Jasper for a smile. "How do you want him? Bones crushed and beaten?" He asks Jasper who makes a gap between his fingers. "We want him in good shape for the battle." "Can't promise that."

Vinn then shifts and bursts out in his form, Alice wasn't surprised but the rest of the Cullens were. Emmett might have taken a step back though the smirk on his face never left, he was still up for showing this guy. Edward and Bella stands beside Malia as they watch who'll win between the two. Rosalie steps forward clapping and cheering for Emmett. "Go babe!"

Leah makes a vomit gesture at the petname, not before making eye contact with Sam.

"You think Vinn can take Emmett down?" Bella asks Malia.
"I'm more worried if Emmett can ever get up after this." Malia said but with all seriousness.

The two start their fight with Emmett having the upperhand. Though in an instant the tables seem to have turned. Vinn didn't like losing and not to a vampire. He was nice enough to not break him to pieces and the Cullens will take note of not crossing him.

"Alright. Alright. Break it up." Carlisle takes Emmett back. Though he was surely impressed of Vinn.

Edward chuckles lightly at the thoughts running through Vinn's mind. "What is it?" Bella asks. "He has this different  ways to kill Emmett in his head but he's scared of Rosalie." "And that's funny because?" "He thinks Emmett would've been cooler if he was still human." "You mean he's easier to kill?" "Oh it's not that he'll have a hard time right now." That response coming from Edward made Bella feel cautious of Vinn. But he is having a hard time to go beyond that thought.

"That was quiet impressive Vinn. I didn't know you had it in you. Expected a bit of immaturity but I guess that adds up to your skills." Jasper was half sarcastically praising him and he was having fun doing it. But Vinn took it in a different tone. He lifts his shirt to reveal scars. Similar with Malia. The Cullens had stopped their motions. They'd know where the scars are from, no doubt, those are vampire bites. Some looked recent. Edward, despite his ability to read minds, was surprised that he was able to hide that memory from him, unintentionally, just like how  Malia is hard to read. It's not just her then. It's their breed.

"No bite is from the same vampire." It didn't sound like gloating. It was a warning for the Cullens and the pack. "At first it was painful. But after a few more bites my body got used to it." It was horrifying but Vinn wasn't shying away, only until making the silence a bit awkward, they went on with their trainings.

That was it for today. Sam had suddenly felt weary. Taking a glance at the vampires he saw how their golden eyes had turned dark. "Bella.." he calls her with caution and it was obvious. Of course Bella knew what was bothering them. And Edward, although he didn't like what was going inside their heads, had to take a step back. It was a warning. "I'll have to hunt." Edward tells Bella as the other Cullens prepare. They will be hunting farther. Jacob stands beside her being protective and ready to pounce at him any second if he dare to show off his fangs. But it was a good sign for Edward, he trusts Jacob to protect her, but not to be alone with her.

"I'll be fine." Bella assures him carressing his pale face gently still his eyes remind at Jacob. "Malia will stay with me too. You don't have to worry." That gives him ease. "I'll be back as soon as I can."Edward tells her.
"No need to hurry." Jacob said making Edward glare at him before they zoom out the distance with Jacob gaining a smile on his face for having Bella's attention all to himself even just for a while.

Jacob catches up with Malia, seeing that she is not entirely alright and needs rest herself. He sends her home. "Get some sleep or something. I'll take watch for tonight." He pats her shoulder.

Malia takes a stroll with Vinn but two more shadows accompany them a few steps behind.

"We don't have much time. With those suckers out hunting, and the pack busy.. we could..." He looks behind at Paul and Jared who was busy talking with each other.
"Leave? Haven't we talked about staying until Victoria is taken care of?"
"But your pack..." Vinn reminds her.
"They survived pretty well without me."
"And what are your chances now?" He eyes her injury. "Let them handle this."

Malia turns sharply at him. "Just because you came back for me doesn't mean you can take me. You came here because you left me in the first place."
Vinn scoffs, his mood is changing quickly. "I had to choose between the pack and you. Have you ever thought about them before starting a fight with the suckers? Huh?"
"It wasn't my intention to put everyone in danger. But you know we could've won if only you stuck with the plan." She walks off and although Vinn tries to apologize to her, the guys weren't gonna let him close to her tonight.

"Let's just go buddy." Paul cuts him and drags him away from her. Though Paul would've wanted to stay a bit longer, given the tension, he gives Malia a reassuring nod.

Jared jogs at Malia for a moment, making Paul and Vinn turn to them, the other jealous and the other rolls his eyes. "You'll be fine? I'll ask Sue to come over to you in the morning." He tucks his lips looking at her but quickly rejoins Paul to drag Vinn who wasn't going against it, Vinn knows his own faults that time, he can't go back now, not without Malia. He made a promise he'll find her and won't return without her, though these guys are making it a hit harder to convince her.

Billy had heard the commotion outside giving Malia a concerned look though she is not in a mood for conversation, she still stood there waiting to be asked or scolded. "Get some rest." He tells her.

Laying down staring at the ceiling of the room, flashbacks came rushing to her. Saving a human. Was it wrong? Was it a mistake? Is this all her fault afterall?


"We can lead them away from the tribe!"

"I'm sorry! I can't!" He runs off back to the tribe leaving Malia alone with three vampires.

"If I can't have the human, might as well have my sister back." Victoria snarls at her, James and Laurent follows, but there has been a distraction. A bloodbath. Malia wounds herself to gain their attention and leads them away from the tribe.

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