The Cricket Life - Chapter Seventeen

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Games of Life - Chapter Seventeen

Eva's POV.

The sound of beeping monitors and wheezing machines drowned out as we were forced out of the ward.

No, this couldn't really be happening. I pinched at my arms; I couldn't be losing Matt.

"Come on, Eva. They told us to leave, so we need to go now."

I shook my head. How could I leave knowing that Matt could be dying in the room just next door to me.

"I can't leave him here. You know that."

"What use is staying here going to do, besides making you feel worse than you already do? He's gone now, we should just head back home."

I clasped my hands over my ears, I refused to believe that he was gone. He couldn't be. How could he go from perfectly fine this morning to in a critical position now at the hospital? This wasn't fair. Hadn't we all been through enough? Did yet another life have to be lost to Sinner's stupid paranoia and obsession with getting rid of anyone who knew anything?

I had so many questions flying around in my head, and with each one I felt myself boil up with an emotion nothing short of rage. How long was this going to go on for? And for what? Didn't I at least deserve to know the reason why everyone I cared about was either going missing or being killed off? For goodness sake, my own mother had been targeted by that monster.

Perhaps what frustrated me the most was that I was probably never going to get any of my questions answered. Sinner would only ever tell me everything if he was sure he was going to finish me off. But there was no way I was going to intentionally put myself in harm's way again. I remember how my attempt at turning myself in ended up in me almost getting raped and burnt alive, and all in the same day.

"--Eva, Eva. Stop ignoring me, Eva-"

"What?" I spat out bitterly, after being snapped out of my thoughts.

"Matt told me to look after you. So let me do that, and take you home."

"I already told you," I half whispered and half shouted, as I found a seat. "I'm staying right here."

"But we need-"

"Look, if you want to go, just go. You're not my bloody boyfriend anymore, so you don't need to look after me or any of that crap. Just leave me be."

"But I thought after that time at the dance-"

"Things have changed Kat," I cut him off a second time. "I'm sorry to have lead you on, but after today I think I've made my real decision."

"What do you mean?" He questioned, sitting down next to me. He tried to put his hands over mine but I moved them away.

"Before Matt got shot, I was telling him to move on. I told him to forget about me and how all I've done is hurt him. But after all this, now I've realised that I will never find someone as good to me as he is."

"So what are you saying?" Kat asked again, with a steady voice. "You don't love me anymore?"

I pursed my lips. Why did he have to make this harder than it already was?

"What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it's fair that Matt is in the next room fighting for his life because he took a bullet for me, even after I told him that nothing would come of us. To me that just shows what a selfless and caring person he is, and I can't not have someone like that in my life."

"He's dead, Eva. I know you're a writer and you believe in happily ever afters, but stuff like that doesn't happen in real life, okay? Matt's dead and that's the end of that. So are you really going to choose a corpse over me? Over the guy who's been nothing but good to you from the start?"

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