The truth Life- Chapter Ten

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Games of Life Chapter Ten- The Truth life

Kat's POV

I am dead. I know it. I can't feel a sense of space around me anymore as my now sooty face scrapes against the cold floor. I clench my fists tightly to prevent myself from yelping out in pain. Blood gushes out of my knuckles and I feel as though my guts are pouring out of me. I know it won't be long before I.... You know....die. Well at least that's what I think.

I'm too young to die. I still haven't graduated from college, been sky diving or even proposed to Eva yet. What about my future children? I still want to see little Eva's and little me's running around the house. It might sound cliché, but man doesn't every guy wish for something of the thought?

"He's dead alright!" Shouts out the cold hoarse voice of Eden, my former roommate turned evil. I don't know what over comes me then but I drift off. I'm not sure if it's to the after life or if I just simply slipping out of consciousness. I'm suddenly engulfed in the darkness of a body bag and it isn't long before I here a splash and I know I've been dunked into a river.

Sinner's famous river where he gets rid of people in it. And before I know it, I slip into a new world. Well at least I think I have.

FLASHBACK >>>> Less than 24 hours ago

I was driving home from the hospital at 2AM, but I was merely just attempting to keep my eyes open. Man, they feel swollen.

I had stayed by Eva's side through most of the night and I would've stayed longer if it weren't for a highly annoying, red head, obese nurse who kicked me out at about quarter to one. Seriously I would've been more happy snoozing off on a rough plastic chair than driving half asleep.

I turn on the radio to some Rock'n'Roll music from the sixties just to keep awake when I veer my eyes over to the rear view mirror. I might be half asleep but trust me, I can still tell when a car is following me.

I make a few different turns just to make sure I'm not hallucinating, but sure enough the sleek, grey Nissan is still following me.

I decide to just ignore it. I mean what if the driver's destination is near the student hostel? I continue driving until I reach a small continence store and I park the car on the side of the road.

I throw my keys around and whistle as I stride into the store. A creepy looking guy with missing teeth and thick black mustache, gives me a weird look. "Don't take long," he growls. "I was just about to pack up to get going to the club."

"Yea, yea, yea," I shrug my shoulders not really caring. I grab a can of Red Bull to keep me energized till I reach home and pass the money to the creepy man. "Stop staring," he grumbles, "....and get your fat ass out of here."

I grunt in response an leave abruptly. Seriously what's his problem? Such good customer service!

I wolf down the drink and nearly faint on the spot when I find my beautiful Holden beaten to a pulp. Damn. So some one really was following me! I angrily unlock the car door and start driving home. Unfortunately there was no sign of the person or people who had given my poor old car a beaten so there's practically no way I can get insurance.

I speed through the roads and finally reach the hostel. Once I'm safe inside my dorm, I throw my body on my soft bed, when I realize that my back has collided with something hard. I wince, sit up and notice that a rather large bag is placed on my bed.

I tear open the bag to find three different guns. A pistol, a rifle and an AK-47. Holy Moly guacamole! What are they doing on my bed? Is someone trying to frame me?

"You've been kept alive for way too long, Roomate." Emerged the sound of Eden, my Roomate. "And I think today might just be the day to give us all a everlasting break from your presence."

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