Ch.12 Final Chapter

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This is the last chapter of my story. Not many people are reading it so im cutting it off here. I might re-write some of it and im working on 3 other stories rn. Its going to be a long last chapter im sorry but thank you for reading this story.

Jakes POV

" Me and Rich have been dating for almost a year now"

"You need to do it Jake" Chloe says

Ive been planning on proposing to Rich for a while i know he helped Michael with Jeremy. And i love this man. After that i can help Chloe with Brooke.

"Chloe thank you so much for helping me Rich is going to love this i dont know what i would do without you."

"You would not be dating Rich"

"Ok whatever lets go before he gets home"

"Where is he?"

"He went to hangout with Michael"


Rich POV

As i see both Jake and Chloe leave i turn to Michael. He looks just as shocked as me. Was Jake going to purpsoe to me. Im nervous but excited. I never thought this day would come.

"Pretend you heard nothing"

"Thats going to be easy"

"C'mon lets go back to my place i wanna check on Jeremy"

I hug Rich since hes crying of joy and he can barley walk.

"C'mon man you can walk"


"Ima put you over my shoulder"

I grab him and flip him over my shoulder. We walk towards the car i place Rich in the back. I noticed someone taking photos. I shrug it off and head home

"Im not carrying you this time"


Michael POV

We head upstairs. We walk in our bedroom door is open. I see a few things scattered. I hear soft cries from the couch. I go over to see Jeremy wrapped in a blanket. Crying eating ice cream.

"Aw Jer whats wrong"

"No no no no no no no go away you dont love me"

"Jer why would you say that i do love you."

"Then whats this" he grabs his phone and shows me

Message from dad😐

Dad: im so sorry son for this but its the truth

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Its a picture of Rich over my shoulder. Both of us are laughing in the photo. Rich and i make eye contact.

"Jer me and Rich dont love each other that way. I love you my heart belongs to you. No one else. Rich has Jake i have you Brooke has Chloe. We all love each other like family. When it comes to our love its real.


To Rich from Jakey D❤:

Hey can you come home im lonley and i cant cook

To Jakey D❤ from Rich:

Sure omw now see you soon

"Hey ima head out Jake needs me to cook"

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