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TW(self harm)
Scared of the arcade

Michael POV

While laying on Jermey i feel his hands wrap around my body just as im relaxing my moms burst into my room and i hear mama scream


I tense up and look to see my moms standing there i look back and see Jermey blushing

"What the frick you guys"i say somewhat laughing

"Honey its fine its ok if you like boys" my mama says

"We are not even sure if he does or not yet" my nanay responds to mama

"Do you like guys?"they ask together

"For the love of god yes im gay im laying on top of jeremy"i say pointing to jeremy follword by pushing them out of my room

"Now me and Jermey going gay walk out the gay door to my gay car to do some gay things"i say not relizing what ive done

"What gay things are you and Jeremy going to do" mama snickers while holding her hand over her mouth

"Huh what do yo-ohmygodnononono"i say grabbing Jeremys hand and leaving trying not to laugh

"Have fun you two" mama and nanay snicker at us

Time skip a few weeks me and jermey are dating by now

Me and Jeremy head to the arcade but when we arrive Jeremey does not move i was about to ask him whays wrong then i remembered his dad works here and he is not on the best terms with Michael and one time we were here jeremeys dad insulted his own son about what he was wearing.

"I-im s-sorry jer i f-forgot we dont have go in"i tell him

Jeremy gets out and takes a deep breath before entering. I grab jeremys hand and walk towards a booth and we wait for our waiter to arrive. We agree to share a milkshake and get a pizza. Our waiter arrives and asks for our order he glances at us and our waiter is jeremys dad.

"Good evening Jeremy and oh hi Michael"his dad says annoyed with Michael

"Hey dad are we still welcome here" jeremy says pressing a quick kiss on my cheek

"If you are going to behave like that you wont be welcomed here or near Michael"giving me a death glare

Jeremy grabs my hand and leave we get in my car and drive to 7-11 i am laughing until i relized Jeremy started talking so i stop the car on the side of the road and touch his shoulder he pulls me into a big kiss and i don't even mind he plays with my hair we both start laughing.

We go get slurpees and head to my house when we enter jermey is all cuddled up to me he stops me while we walk in and he asks for me to carry him cause his legs hurt

"Youre so stubborn but thats why i love you"i say smiling while rolling my eyes my moms hear everything and come to the living room to see jeremey on my back jeremy gets of my back he goes on his toes cause hes a bit shorter than me and he plants a kiss on my lips

"Aw thats so sweet"mama says

"GAH" i yell while my moms are standing thsre watching us

"Bb its ok its your moms"

I grab jers hand and pull him upstairs he flops onto my bed he asks to see me hoodie so i take it off and give it to him he takes my hoodie and puts it on

"Hey give it back you cinnamon roll"

"Wait did you just call me a cinnamon roll"jeremy bursts into laughter

"Shut up dudeee"i say

I go onto the bed and i squish him he stops laughing and i relize my arms i grab another sweater and cover my arms

"When" jermey asks me not moving

"A few nights ago"

Jermey is not mad as he would be before he just stands up and hugs me and tells me its going to be ok as he is swaying side to side he falls down and im crushing him but hes ok and i just kiss his forehead before getting up

"C-can you take me home"

"But your dad he wil be home in about 2 hours when the arcade closes thats not long"

"Come with me then we can AOTD"

I agree and grab my keys i pack a bag for the night and we head out.

Jermey POV

I have a plan im going to convince Micha to spend the night he usually does but with my dad now he needs to be there to help me. On our way i tell Michael to park in the back just so my dad is less suspicious of him being here. We get out of the car and i grab my key and unlock the door we go downstairs and we grab some money and head down to the corner store to get snacks. Turns out my dad got home early today so when he got home we were not there on our way i see my dads car and i panic so we head to the back.

Michael helps me and we climb in through my window and i hear my dad is the bathroom so we rush downstairs and close the door i run and jump on my couch i lay there for a few seconds then i hear CANNONBALL!!!!! Michael jumps on top of me.i hear foot steps come near the door i tell Michael to hide in the couch my dad soon enough comes down stairs and im turning on my tv

"Is Michael here?" He says kind of concerning look


Cause something happened i need to talk to him"

I get up and remove the cushions and Michael gets up while my dad and Michael are upstairs i hear Michael crying i rush upstairs Michael turns around and hugs me he grabs my hand and pulls me outside he tells me one of his moms is really sick and she has been this way for a while but she did not tell Michael. Me and Michael leave my house to go to see his mom he starts crying really badly he stops the car and asks me to drive so we switch seats. On our way Michael crawls into the back seat and goes to sleep his mom is in another town so we have to drive about 4 hours We get hungry so we stop and eat he calls his nanay

Calling nanay❤....

She does not pick up he tries calling his other mother

Calling mama💜...



Hi Mickey your nanay is um sick so we wont be home

I know me and Jermey are on our way

The phone call ends and his mama is just crying she does not want Michael to see his nanay like this

They finish eating but it's late at night and they are getting tired so they pull into a parking lot and they dont have enough for a hotel and they dont need one so they sleep in the car. Jermey is getting cold

Michael wraps his arms around him and put him in his hoodie as they snuggle they quickly fall asleep mid sleep jermey hears crying and water going down his neck he turns around and Michael is crying. Jermey sits them both up jermey sits on Michaels lap and hugs him. He puts his hands on his face wiping tears quickly kissing Michael Jermey gets into the front seat and tells Michael he can stay back there

This is not the best chapter but i tried there will be around 7 chapters cause this is my first story and it SUCKS welp until next time

Word count:1326

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